Michelle's text talk
15 years & 12 days ago
15th Dec 2009 08:49 yh this is your 5 star guide to text talk if you have any words you'd like me to add post bellow =]
2 =to
ttyl = talk to you later
ttyn = talk to you never ( don't use this ever)
cc = club chat
mt = mara talk
b = be
4 = for
eva = ever
u = you
ur = your
yh = yes
k AKA kk = ok
plz = please
nd = and
bf = boy friend or best friend
gf = girl friend
DON'T 4GET THE 1 THAT YOU ALL USE lol or as i would do ~*LOL*~
thanxs for reading this pointless blog plzz post me any you think i have to put on