AVATAR LENDING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
15 years, 4 months & 29 days ago
28th Jul 2009 12:31 Grouchy-Have a green Grouchy in your inventory and click on it
Halloween- Have a regular pumpkin in your inventory and click on it
Pinto- Equip a Pinto to one of your pets then view the minipet.
Olvic- Equip an Olvic to one of your pets then view the minipet.
Mugen- Equip a Mugen to one of your pets.
Lela- Equip a Lela to one of your pets then view the minipet.
Miort- Attach a Miort to one of your pets.
5k tip each!
These 2 are on the same pet.
Etro- Attach an Erto to your pet for 301 days then view it's profile.
Plug-Have a Plug attached to your pet for 51 days
then view it's profile.
10k tip plus fees
total is 39275mp
Feel Free to Maramail me and be patient please.
Any items not returned or if you remove my minipets from leassa you will be reported!!