Look you have 22 coments
And I knew that already. Unfortnetly even if everyone in the world stops doing trash we will still be poluting. Our world dosent care about the enviroment. They used to make electric cars and they looked nice and they worked well and were good for the average person but as soon as the law didnt force them to have at least 1 electric car for sale they destroyed it and took back all the ones that were already sold to make more money on reperations. There were 100 people to fight to see if the law should for a car company to have 1 electric car 1 was a oil company (gas,petroleum)and 1 was a car company. They where both fighting to remove the electric car. And there where 98 people who wanted to keep the electric car but the government still chose to remove the law. Just to show you how curupted the world is. Just recycling wont make a diffrence we need to change completly to be able to save this earth.