Rare stamps prices
15 years, 6 months & 16 days ago
10th Jun 2009 23:51 Stamp Price Blog - Mail any helpful info to me pls
Stamps that we need prices for: I think I got them all. Of course, also needed are any AU stamps no longer on ss. Thanks for all your help
Gumball Machine Stamp
Christmas Dinner Stamp
Fairy Stamp
Lush Lake Stamp
Marapop Stamp
Marasites Stamp
Mountain of Biala Stamp
Pixie Stamp (avatar stamp I believe)
Pumpkin Stamp
Queen Eleka Stamp
Referral System Stamp
Transmogrification Stamp
Whirlpool Stamp
Account Upgrades Stamp
Angel Wings Stamp
Christmas Tree Stamp
Easter Egg Hunt Stamp
Elger Stamp
Happy Easter Stamp
Hobo Stamp
Burning Christmas Tree Stamp
MaraJournals Stamp
Twree Stamp
Uploads Stamp
Wizard Stamp
Simerian Stamp - Note - only a few left on ss at 500k
Hobo Stamp sold june 2, 09 for 1mil. Info from a blue star so I trust it. grin
I bought my Burning Christmas Tree Stamp awhile back for 2 Mil (June 2, 09). Info from a player I've seen around lots and from AF
Seasonal Stamp sold for 10m the day the stamp mission came out, and someone else sold one for 7m a few days before the mission came out. From another AF member
elger stamp-1mill
burning christmas-1.5mill
Have talked to this person but don't know them but this is what he said he traded his for. Not sure if that was pure or items. But its a guideline at least.
Gumball Machine Stamp (might be around 7mil. Nothing for sure yet on price)
Account Upgrades Stamp I bought around 2 years ago for 20mil. I can't imagine how much the price has gone up since then. From reliable AF member
Account Upgrades Stamp - bought June 09 for 75mil pure. Reliable AF member buying and blue star selling. ugh
2 Christmases ago I got a Wizard Stamp sent to me as a present. Checked trades to find the value at the time... Most of the trades were asking for around 15-20 mill at that time, one was priced at 35 mill as I recall
Simerian Sea Stamp - paid 25 mill for it
Twree last I was told when Looking at price was a round 30 mil, Mountain of Biala stamp Have been told around 1.5-2 mil
Marajournals stamp is 6mil