Yah, here is my blog. You can read it. Just back off or you'll get something in return. I'm just like you, no biggy. Leave any questions about me in comments. I'll be glad to answer. But first I have a riddle for you. The first to answer correct gets a secret prize. The harder my riddle the better the prize. The riddle is the first comment. Enjoy thinking! Mwa ha ha ha!
no i've heard it before icarly and thought it was a good idea so you know...
115 years, 1 month & 9 days ago 18th Nov 2009 15:30
Lol, did you steal that from iCarly Ginny?
115 years, 4 months & 23 days ago 5th Aug 2009 20:36
lol ok haha
115 years, 4 months & 23 days ago 5th Aug 2009 18:07
OK! Finally somebody read my blog! You are correct! I'll be sure to send you your prize!
115 years, 4 months & 23 days ago 5th Aug 2009 14:44
the horses name is friday
115 years, 5 months & 23 days ago 6th Jul 2009 16:09
Here is the riddle.
A cowboy rides into town on Friday. Stays two days and leave on Friday. -How does he do it?!