Pet Trades
15 years, 11 months & 7 days ago
16th Jan 2009 23:06 None of my pets are for trade BUT if you have a pet that has a really awesome name (Example - Clarisa) you can offer and maybe I will consider it.
Pet Trades I have made:
Tuesday 19 August 12:40 AM
Packston (Seasonal Huthiq) for Shienna (Halloween Jessup)
Sunday 12 October 03:32 AM
Shienna (Recycled Daisy) for Jaspi (Balloon Jessup)
Friday 09 January 01:38 AM
Westrion (Zombie Lati) for Clarisa (Ninja Equilor)
Saturday 17 January 06:22 AM
Somial(Halloween Ercuw) for chibs_kc (Burnt Chibs)
Friday 13 February 08:10 PM
Dakrias (Fire Quell) for Sebbastian (Punk Sindi with 50 stats)
Sunday 08 March 04:58 AM
Loraina (Insideout Mordo) for Trystan (Zombie Mordo)
Friday 03 July 12:03 AM
Gwenna (Funky Bolimo, 55+ stats) for scary_dino2 (Nefarious Quell)