Im always there 4 u (my own made up song)
16 years & 25 days ago
1st Dec 2008 22:30 Problem sloved
Hoh thats not true
Cries are envolved
That i can belive boo hoo
You and I standin together
Comforting each other 4 evur
Cuz thats what friends do
You have your problems
I will help you
Every night 2gether with u
I will make sure u dun go boo hoo
Cuz thats what friends do
I have my problems
You helped me
You didnt give up
Just to help me
Now i really know
what friendship meanz
itz not about riches
Im always there 4 u
Nobody else can cut through
Even im rich
Even im poor
Ill still be there 4 u
You make my heart
Nice and soft and comfty
I will do the same
No more hardship and pain
Im always there 4 u
Even the thick can pull through
You are not only me soul
You are my heart in bold
The quarrels
The painful cries
Everything so collied
Altough the rain doesnt fall
The sun doesnt go
You do not need to go boo hoo
Cuz ill be there 4 u
Every single night and day
To help u with your homework
Family problems, broken soul
Cuz thats what friends do
---end of song what do you think?---