16 years, 2 months & 3 days ago
7th Nov 2008 18:47 I have started a new plot for a story I am writing...If you are interested, here is the preface:
The full moon shone brightly down, leading me on the path. My thoughts ran quickly through my head, all confusing me. 'What had just happened? Why is it happening? What is going on?' There was no answer to these questions that I knew. The only thing that I was sure about was that I had seen a ghost, a sillouhete. The white figure suddenly appeared in front of me again. It looked at me and the sickly sweet, high voice came again. "Will you come with me...?" it asked. I gave a weak "Yes" and followed into the dark shadows, afraid of what was going to happen next....
If you like it, please tell me...also comment if you have any suggestions...^.^