those are inaccurate.
the correct is
Poera 650-900k
Phanty 850-1.1 mill
Huthiq 1-1.5 mill
Daisy No set price
zoink 1.7-2 mill
kronk 1 -2 mill
Oglue 800k+
Lati 4-5 mil+
Dakota 2-2.5 mil
Snookle 2-3 mil
Quell 4-5 mil.
Chibs 4.5 to 5 mil
Ercuw 7 mil+
Mordos 3-5 mil
Sindi 7 mil
Viotto 7-8 mil plain, gold, bronze, silver 8-9 mil, Ice 10 mil
Yuni 6 mil+
Rofling 15mil+
5+ to be worth daisy
10+ to be worth poera or phanty
15+ to be worth huthiq
20+ to be worth zoink, kronk and oglue
30-40 to be worth snookles, quells(price is up and down right now), Dakota
45+ to be worth latis
55+ to be worth chibs (will go up if the price of chibs increase)
60+ to be worth a yuni
65+ to be worth sindis, ercuws and mordos
80-95+ to be worth viottos(depending on which viotto its, example........
plain,or the metallic ones, or ice)
140+ to be worth a roflings