I think it's time for a rant...
16 years, 7 months & 24 days ago
23rd Mar 2008 08:48 Well... this seriously needs to be rantd about. I don't know what the heck it is, but it seems like being nice on marapets is an 'uncool' thing to do. Everyone is like "no maramails, don't talk to me, I'm better than you" and it's making me mad. I very rarely see nice people around here.
Everyone would be a heck of a lot happier if people were nicer to them. Golden rule poeple! Golden rule! I'm just so sick of people who are mean to newbs for havng less stuff than them. I meant, they make a bad trade offer, don't scream at them and be all like, "That's a terrible offer! I hate you!"
They don't know any better. You want them to not make bad offers, give them suggestions for next time they trade. Oh, and just so you know, not all newbs are from out of spaces, and not all oldbies are amazing know-it-alls. I've been on marapets a lot longer than quite a few people, but I admit to not knowing everything.
People need to learn to be nice to everyone. Rudeness just gets you rudeness in return and passes on the habbit to others.
I have no problem with ANYONE mailing me or asking to be my friend. Unlike most people on marapets, I'm NOT too good to make friends. If someone needs help I'll help them. If everyone acted like this the world would be a much better place to live. So why don't we all just try to be a bit less rude.
Thank you.
- Shwaa