Just a reminder of minipets for myself
1 year, 4 months & 14 days ago
31st Aug 2023 07:38 What I still need:
Dumpling (fairy prize),
Gazillionare (Seasonal),
Beach (fat), Jezebel (fat), Nerd (fat), Trauma (fat)
Undying Minipets:
Black Hund, Minnoth, Pythonix, Sabertooth
Blue Hund, Minnoth, Pythonix, Sabertooth, Stego
Green Sabertooth, Stego
Grey Minnoth, Pythonix, Stego
Pink Hund, Pythonix, Sabertooth, Stego
Red Dracorex, Hund, Pythonix, Stego
Yellow Hund, Minnoth, Sabertooth
Bootleg organic minipets:
Cactoo, Cactus, Cherii, Cohnonut, Daffy,
Goobie, Karot, Keewee, Korn, Pee, Peppa, Poppy, Pumpee, Rababerry, Rosette, Rutabaga,
Shroom, Sunflower, Tommy, Tuly
Fat minipets:
Beach*, Jezebel*, Nerd*, Serri,
Sewage, Tefty, Trauma*, Turdle
* Need to get normal version to turn into or straight fat one, for other I have the normal version but need yarn.
Clown Minipets:
Tangle*, Candy*, Magic Carpet*
Bush*, Goop*, Pumpkin Dead*, Pumpkin Dread*, Pumpkin Ed*, Pumpkin Fred*, Pumpkin Misread*, Pumpkin Shred*, Pumpkin Ted*, Pumpkin Wed*
Spooks, Vampry
(need 1 more yarn)
Monster Eylian*
Cinnabar, Diamond*, Kronos
Blooble*, Bruise*, roach, Farley, Pippin
(Need 5 yarns)
Alen*, Andy, Jacko, Loyal, Skullington, Skyrat, Velox
Adorab*, Antagonist*, Anteater*, Antennae*, Anthem*, Antifreeze*, Antique*, Antivirus*, Carbonated*, Damaged, Demi, Fedora, Sewage
(Need 4 more yarns)
My normal minis that are on pets for plates:
Alen (orange), Anuriah (green), Beach (pink), Green Minnoth,
Blake (grey, Breeze Batz, Buckaroo (yellow), Bunns (green),
Chameleon (red), Daylight Efall, Daylight Yoop,
Diamond (yellow), Drowsy (yellow), Erto (pink), Floof (red),
Grouchy (grey), Jezebel (red), Kade (yellow),
Kimble (yellow),
Kitto (yellow), Leprechaun (black), Leto (purple),
Lost (orange), Lurve (grey), Mailo (blue), Mizu (yellow),
Mugen (orange), Naoen (green), Napoleon (grey), Nicky (pink),
Olvic (grey), Peiko (red), Pinkal (black), Pinto (yellow),
Plynx (purple), Rocket (red), Rweek (yellow), Scorpi (yellow),
Scrooge (orange), Snowman (white), Spinner (orange),
Starbert (red), Summer Yoop, Toadling (yellow), Toto (beige),
Tropeck (beige), Tweblud (black), Ush (black),
Valentine (green), Valentino (white), Vamps (orange),
Wax (orange), Yeti (white), Yoop (orange), Zound (green), Grey Hund, Yellow Stego, Yellow Pythonix, Black Stego
Make plates for avatars: