just signed up my daughter
14 years, 4 months & 25 days ago
4th Aug 2010 03:21 she will be using the same connection as me her user name is hugejlsfan
returning to mara
14 years, 5 months & 10 days ago
20th Jul 2010 01:04 this could just be for the sumnmer or maybe long term depending on how things work out over the next few weeks im pleased to be back and catching up with old friends is great
15 years, 10 months & 30 days ago
27th Jan 2009 02:41 was sally00123 my first pet but because i made sally one of my dream pets i thought she needed a better name so i named her ChowMing after my shih-tzu puppy. im sure she is very pleased with it, i know i am
16 years, 3 months & 9 days ago
19th Sep 2008 13:13 my baby is here at long last and will NEVER i repeat NEVER be for trade. Romeesa was name after a contest held in the club im in and was choosen by loopiesmomma thank you. And a huge THANK YOU to everyone that took the time to send me names *hugs*
romeesa is now with a very good friend of mine being looked after well. this is because i took some time out of mara for college romeesa seems very happy where she is