Jester first time
11 years, 2 months & 2 days ago
26th Oct 2013 13:21 L1 - cost 60k
L2 - Blue Blake - 75k
L3 - Green Sewage - 80k for yarn
L4 - Brown Zetoro
L5 - Brown Quelow
L6 - Blue Ushundow
L7 - Green Fiffo
L8 - Yellow Silser - 500k
L9 - Purple Foxicle
L10 - Purple Neesta Plate 100k,
Orange Leprechaun Plate 120k
L11 - Green Devilray Plate, Brown Quelow Plate
L12 - Blue Daniel Plate, Orange Fasofin Plate
L13 - Alen Plate, Orange Elektro Plate
L14 - Grey Zound Plate, Grey Boris Plate
L15 - Red Pythonix Plate 238k, Green Gordo Plate
L16 - Green Renuw Plate, Blue Butters Plate
L17 - Plump Plate, White Pippin Plate 38k
L18 - White Leidow Plate 500k, Brown Quibs Plate 149k
L19 - Pink Sphinx Plate, Black Two Million Plate 40k for both
L20 - Black Grinow Plate, Grey Erni Plate
L21 - Purple Batty Plate 333k
L22 - Destroyer Plate, Orange Wallet Plate (85k)
L23 - Kringle Plate, Black Kusil Plate
must have failed to record two levels.
L26 - Blue Erto Plate 108k, Orange Chook Plate 48k
L27 - Blue Pinto Plate (95k for yarn), Red Fild Plate (250K)
L28 - Yellow Zointy Plate, Yhing Plate
L29 - Blue Tweblud Plate 84k, Red Hippow Plate 45k
L30 - Blue Quibs Plate, White Yakuow Plate
February 13, 2014
Thank you for finishing my mission on time. Here is your reward..
Congratulations!! You have finished the Jester Mission!
You can now choose a Gourmet Food of your choice to be fed to your pet
Please come back tomorrow for your next mission!
Congratulations! You found the 'Jester' Hidden Avatar!
Simerian Pearl has now been fed to Breeno.
Cost 2,799,000
Round #2
L1 - Purple Pumpkin Ed Plate 250k
L2 - Red Fidge Plate 14k
L3 - Red Quibs Plate
L4 - Black Addoro Plate
L5 - Black Loyal Plate
L6 - Blue Alen Plate 150k
L7 - Yellow Bolint Plate
L8 - Purple Olvic Plate 50k for yarn
L9 - Green Waka Plate 200k
L10 - Orange Clover Plate 77k for yarn, Red Seaso Plate 100k
L11 - Foxicle Plate, Grey Gobby Plate 475k
Missed recording one level
L13 - Blue Sobek Plate, Red Sixth Plate 35k
L14 - Red Bush Plate 75k, Orange Laiyee Plate 500k
L15 - Blue Jacko Plate 85k yarn and mini, Orange Flonk Plate 5k reward
L16 - Rweek Plate 100k, Grey Rocket Plate 55k, 6k reward
L17 - Silser Plate 250k, Float Plate
L18 - Red Volum Plate 14k. Green Tinsel Plate 92k yarn, 7500mps reward
L19 - Yellow Yakuow Plate, Orange Twinkle Plate 72k for yarn - 10k reward
L20 - White Tri Plate, Purple Addimo Plate - 12,500mps reward
L21 - Blue Quibs Plate, Green Pikey Plate
L22 - Orange Snoodi Plate,
Yellow Zetlee Plate - 25k reward
L23 - Green Snuggles Plate 55k yarn, White Jacko Plate 60k
L24 - Pink Drenched Plate 100k,
Pink Boris Plate 74k
L25 - Yeti Plate, Pink Azulor Plate
L26 - Red Mailo Plate 200k,
Flutterbull Plate 50k - 75k reward
L27 - Yellow Easter Plate, Grey Pinkal Plate 15k for yarn
L28 - Grey Shaggy Plate 14k, Grey Leidow Plate 500k
L29 - Grey Snoop Plate 16k for yarn, Orange Pyri Plate
L30 - Grey Crabs Plate 78k, Red Jessido Plate
Battle Gumball has now been fed to Breeno. March 25th, 2014
Cost 3,756,000
L1 - Orange Frex Plate
L2 - Brown Erni Plate
L3 - Black Bush Plate
L4 - Purple Vamps Plate
L5 - Black Delayed Plate
L6 - Red Batz Plate 234k
L7 - Blue Izzy Plate
L8 - Purple Fatty Plate
L9 - Orange Pippin Plate 150k
L10 - Pink Dazmo Plate
L11 - Sooty Plate, Black Chiliz Plate
L12 - Red Deino Plate 500k, Black Echera Plate
L13 - Pink Charley Plate 15k yarn, Pink Pinkal Plate 99k
L14 - Yellow Lela Plate 100k, Schmog Plate 20k
L15 - Green Grinow Plate, Purple Ian Plate 14k
L16 - Pink Chook Plate, Red Napoleon Plate
L17 - Deeko Plate 200k, Black Diamond Plate 500k
L18 - Fild Plate 100k, Black Spooks Plate 15k
L19 - White Wax Plate 40k, Purple Arasi Plate
L20 - Green Billy Plate 55k, Pink Nerd Plate 125k
L21 - Orange Dusty Plate, Black Delayed Plate
L22 - Yellow Addese Plate, White Quelow Plate
L23 - Yellow Fawlt Plate 500k, Demi Plate
L24 - Pink Jezebel Plate 86k, Seth Plate
L25 - Purple Tantow Plate 270k, Dracone Plate
L26 - Yellow Pulika Plate 440k,
White Loyal Plate 15k
L27 - Nesasio Plate, Red Sewage Plate
L28 - Orange Yakuow Plate, Rweek Plate
L29 - Grey Pingi Plate 96k, Black Ata Plate 48k
L30 - Scrooge Plate 35k, Orange Daniel Plate 27k
Wedding Cake has now been fed to Breeno. April 22, 2014
Cost 3,684,000
L1 - Black Leprechaun Plate 70k
L2 - Black Pikey Plate 175k
L3 - Black Neesta Plate 15k
L4 - Yellow Doomed Plate
L5 - Pink Spobble Plate
L6 - Black Pat Plate
L7 - Orange Dragula Plate
L8 - Purple Fynx Plate
L9 - Blue Stitch Plate 50k yarn
L10 - Grey Sphinx Plate 16k
L11 - White Deino Plate 46k, Yellow Waka Plate 72k for yarn
L12 - Green Andy Plate 24k, White Zetlee Plate
L13 - White Echera Plate, Pink Neek Plate
L14 - Grey Devilray Plate 15k, Blue Snickle Plate
L15 - Blue Dracone Plate, Green Doomed Plate 14k
L16 - Green Frex Plate, Orange Demi Plate
L17 - Purple Grinow Plate, Blue Shilpy Plate 46k for yarn
L18 - Red Fendol Plate, Yellow Napoleon Plate 65k for yarn
L19 - Green Bolint Plate, Pink Dazmo Plate
L20 - White Lela Plate 82k, Black Crabs Plate 135k
L21 - Black Gobby Plate 300k, White Addoro Plate
L22 - Green Pumkin Plate 80k,
Grey Twittle Plate 30k
L23 - Orange Indy Plate 39k, Pink Anuriah Plate 475k
L24 - Grey Diamond Plate 40k, Orange Addese Plate 150k
L25 - Red Mugen Plate, Red Rocket Plate
L26 - Blue Minnoth Plate 68k, Yellow Minnoth Plate 500k
L27 - Yellow Reaper Plate 68k, Grey Laiyee Plate
L28 - Pink Lush Plate 100k, Green Stego Plate 500k
L29 - White Fasofin Plate, Brown Kidala Plate
L30 - Yellow Shnuggle Plate, Grey Pumkin Plate
One Hundred Cake has now been fed to Breeno. May 21, 2014
Cost 3,107,000
L1 - Pink Puff Plate 25k
L2 - Grey Yakuth Plate
L3 - Eggy Plate
L4 - Blue Neesta Plate
L5 - Black Fatty Plate
L6 - Red Heart Plate
L7 - Blue Tri Plate
L8 - Brown Willafo Plate
L9 - Pink Volum Plate
Failed. Forgot to complete 25k total
L1 -Yellow Spooks Plate 9k
L2 - Orange Pixel Plate 100k
L3 - Red Candy Plate 65k
L4 - Purple Dusty Plate
L5 - Red Chibzul Plate
L6 - Yellow Pippin Plate 70k
L7 - Blue Decapitate Plate 45k
L8 - Grey Arasi Plate 170k
L9 - Red Damaged Plate
L10 - Grey Tantow Plate
L11 - Red Treat Plate 180k,
Green Kidala Plate
L12 - Pink Doyow Plate,
Puff Plate
L13 - Green Fasorul Plate, Green Knoro Plate
L14 - Orange Pumpkin Ed Plate 500k, Black Prancer Plate 115k
L15 - Red Sheepbow Plate 10k, Red Boris Plate 40k
L16 - Orange Leon Plate, Yellow Tantibs Plate 75k
L17 - Purple Princess Plate,
Orange Floss Plate
L18 - Black Pinkal Plate, Black Sewage Plate
L19 - Yellow Candy Plate 18k for yarn, Brown Azubi Plate
L19 - Stitch Plate, Purple Jessutt Plate
L20 - Brown Knoro Plate, Yellow Gazillionaire Plate 175k
L21 - Black Fasorul Plate 150k, Orange Addimo Plate
L22 - Purple Hippow Plate 30k, Buzzy Plate
L23 - Green Limited Plate, Grey Jessul Plate
L24 - Black Yakuow Plate, Serri Plate
L25 - Orange Trigaro Plate, Black Grimmus Plate
L26 - Brown Grinido Plate 75k, Red Ushunoro Plate
L27 - Purple Smew Plate 112k, Red Lucifer Plate
L28 - White Skullington Plate,
Green Maddox Plate
L29 - Pink Punk Plate 62k, Green Sphinx Plate
L30 - Red Ushunoro Plate, Blue Vamps Plate
Wedding Potato has now been fed to Breeno. June 25th, 2014
Cost 1,829,000
L1 - Purple Grinido Plate 100k
L2 - Radioactive Clover Plate 60k
L3 - Grey Chuckles Plate 62k
L4 - Orange Anuriah Plate
L5 - Yellow Kouki Plate
L6 - Orange Easter Plate 16k
L7 - Red Candy Plate
L8 - Ush Plate 130k
L9 - Piggy Plate
L10 - Grey Lucifer Plate 210k
L11 - Green Limited Plate, Orange Tweblud Plate
L12 - Orange Kouki Plate, Red Rat Plate 38k
L13 - Purple Chibi Plate 30k, Pink Bolint Plate 15k
L14 - Black Lidge Plate 395k, Pink Echera Plate
L15 - Black Loyal Plate, Green Buckaroo Plate cost of yarn I had
L16 - Negative Psyclone Plate 500k, Bewmel Plate
L17 - Sooty Plate, Orange Shea Plate
L18 - Red Naoen Plate swap, thanks Sonya, White Superhero Plate
L19 - Red Pumkin Plate 500k, Green Chubley Plate
L20 - White Charley Plate 55k, Black Neek Plate
L21 - Red Grinow Plate, Grey Yoop Plate
L22 - Yellow Tinsel Plate372k, Grey Knoro Plate 50k
L23- - Red Sabertooth Plate 360k, Blue Beach Plate 100k
L24 - Superhero Plate, Pink Taffy Plate 39k
L25 - Pink James Plate 40k, Grey Kusil Plate 150k
L26 - Orange Yoop Plate 123k, Pink Andy Plate 47k
L27 - Pink Eggy Plate 57k, Yellow Butters Plate 40k
L28 - Brown Chidow Plate 80k,Brown Addup Plate
L29 - Orange Sabertooth Plate 60k, Blue Bush Plate 180k
L30 - Grey Skullington Plate 40k, Black Doyow Plate 500k
July 21, 2014
Thank you for finishing my mission on time. Here is your reward..
Wedding Pearl has now been fed to Breeno.
Cost 4,349,000
L1 - Green Echera Plate
L2 - Red Izzy Plate 10k
L3 - Green Drenched Plate 25k
L4 - Orange Alen Plate - 190k
L5 - Blue Bingo Plate
L6 - Yellow Azeido Plate 500k
L7 - Pink Foh Plate
L8 - Red Fawlt Plate 311k
L9 - Yellow Scorpi Plate 75k for yarn
L10 - Pink Naoen Plate 33k
L11 - Purple Anubis Plate, Pink Snickle Plate 73k
L12 - Flea Plate, Blue Fasorul Plate
L13 - Beebot Plate 345k, Black Prancer Plate
L14 - Grey Olvic Plate, Vamps Plate
L15 - Red Waka Plate, Yellow Knoro Plate 50k
L16 - Orange Sheepbow Plate, Pink Tweblud Plate 222k
L17 - Purple Silkie Plate 35k, Orange Addoth Plate
L18 - Black Daniel Plate 65k, White Roflow Plate
L19 - Pink Neesta Plate, Black Fandor Plate 100k
L20 - Yellow James Plate 100k, Yellow Efall Plate
L21 - Green Lidge Plate 500k, Red Nerd Plate
L22 - Purple Grimmus Plate 12k, Green Punk Plate 100k
L23 - Green Sixth Plate 2k, Green Azubi Plate
L24 - Grey Pingi Plate , Grey Huthimo Plate
L25 - Pink Willafo Plate , Brown Leidunda Plate
L26 - Black Psyclone Plate 80k, White Pinkal Plate 338k
L27 - Purple Deino Plate 500k, Yellow Diamond Plate 80k
L28 - Blue Fasafo Plate, Black Cherub Plate
L29 - Grey Dazmo Plate , Brown Nicky Plate
L30 - Red Diamond Plate 250k , Yellow Zetoro Plate
August 22, 2014
Thank you for finishing my mission on time. Here is your reward..
Bankrupt Pearl has now been fed to Breeno
Cost 3,156,000
L1 - Pink Huthimo Plate 20k
L2 - Grey Fasofin Plate 75k
L3 - White Liiing Plate 500k
L4 - Yellow Snoop Plate
L5 - Yellow Blooble Plate
L6 - Dracone Plate
L7 - Pink Bush Plate 135k
L8 - Red Kidala Plate
L9 - Chibi Plate
L10 - Grey Neek Plate, Orange Spirit Plate 270k
L11 - Yellow Napoleon Plate, Pink Hippow Plate 20k
L12 - Green Punk Plate , Nodio Plate
L13 - Red Reaper Plate 37k, Grey Filondor Plate 90k
L14 - Yellow Zax Plate 290k, Grey Choyle Plate
L15 - Red Quelow Plate 150k , Grey Nicky Plate 95k
L16 - Orange Shnuggle Plate, Pink Sabertooth Plate 375k
L17 - Black Bugsy Plate 40k, Orange Dracorex Plate 300k
L18 - Yellow Gazillionaire Plate, Negative Snixie Plate
L20 - Blue Wax Plate, Pumpkin Ed Plate
L21 - Pink Flaydor Plate, Purple Ian Plate
L22 - Blue Dazmo Plate 450k, Leon Plate
L23 - Green Zax Plate 500k , Green Sphinx late
L24 - Purple Laiyee Plate 500k, Pink Orville Plate 20k
L25 - Blue Doomed Plate, White Azeido Plate
L26 - Green Grinido Plate, Purple Peiko Plate 25k
L27 - Brown Fasafo Plate, Brown Ushundow Plate 50k
L28 - Lidge Plate 20k, Blue Batty Plate
L29 - Green Yakuth Plate 450k, Pink Addup Plate
L30 - Yellow Zound Plate 200k, Orange Tri Plate 35k for yarn
Sept 22, 2014
Thank you for finishing my Mission on time. Here is your reward..
Congratulations!! You have finished the Jester Mission
Yule Log has now been fed to Breeno
Cost 4,552,000
L1 - Purple Bunns Plate
L2 - Pink Yule Plate
L3 - Grey Yule Plate 25k
L4 - Orange Yoop Plate
L5 - Yellow Roflow Plate 50k
L6 - Orange Vamps Plate 88k
L7 - Blue Foh Plate
L8 - Pongin Plate
L9 - Brown Azubi
L10 - Orange Christmas Plate
L11 - Scrooge Plate, Red Eggy Plate 42k
L12 - Two Million Plate, Red Spobble Plate 75k
L13 - Green Scrooge Plate 90k, Heavy Plate
L14 - Black Filondor Plate, Grey Zound Plate
L15 - Pumkin Plate, Red Azow Plate
L16 - Blue Doyow Plate, Blue Viondol Plate
L17 - Red Chati Plate, Black Lush Plate 85k
L18 - Yellow Fang Plate, Purple Snickle Plate 50k
L19 - Brown Roflow Plate, Purple Hammy Plate 10k
L20 - Yellow Twinkle Plate 50k for yarn, Klik Plate
L21 - Red Yolk Plate, Green Middy Plate 28k
L22 - Brown Choyle Plate, Green Klik Plate 28k
L23 - Green Flobberbat Plate 35k, White Fang Plate
L24 - Yellow Demi Plate, Beetle Plate
L25 - Green Orville Plate 55k, Pink Butters Plate
L26 - Yellow Paffint Plate, Blue Unlucky Plate
L27 - Grey Dino Plate 85k, Yellow Chutt Plate 320k
L28 - Cremul Plate, Black Deino Plate 200k
L29 - Blue Flow Plate, Black Klik Plate 29k
L30 - Blue Vile Plate 35k for yarn, Purple Laiyee Plate
Oct 19, 2014
Thank you for finishing my Mission on time. Here is your reward..
Congratulations!! You have finished the Jester Mission
Rainbow Fairy Cupcake has now been fed to Breeno
Cost 1,380,000
L1 - Red Waka Plate
L2 - Blue Eggy Plate
L3 - Yellow Float Plate
L4 - Lucent Plate
L6 - Blue Batz Plate
L7 - Yellow Pumkin Plate 30k
L8 - Black Jessutt Plate 100k
L9 - White Gobby Plate 300k
L10 - Purple Pinkal Plate 242k
L11 - Red Pinkal Plate 95k, Black Kidala Plate
L12 - Orange Plug Plate 500k, Orange Pugwash Plate 300k
L13 - Nodio Plate, Brown Yolk Plate
L14 - Blue Izzy Plate, Black Waka Plate 40k for yarn
L15 - Grey Butters Plate 25k, Blue Wax Plate
L16 - Purple Fawlt Plate 500k, Purple Crabs Plate
L17 - Purple Blooble Plate 25k, White Dragula Plate 54k
L18 - Orange Sobek Plate 50k, Black Punk Plate 40k
L19 - Pee Plate, Purple Middy Plate 60k for yarn
L20 - Pink Rocket Plate 40k for yarn, Green Vampry Plate
L21 - Blue Pinto Plate, Blue Snoween Plate 75k
L22 - Yellow Sobek Plate 90k, Purple High Plate
L23 - Red Zetlee Plate, White Reon Plate 275k
L24 - Black Doyow Plate, Green Reaper Plate
L25 - Yellow Valentino Plate, Blue Addafo Plate
L26 - Yellow Bingo Plate, Yellow Chuckles Plate 50k for yarn
L27 - White Twittle Plate, Blue Nicky Plate 35k
L28 - Blue Zorg Plate, Orange Tantow Plate
L29 - Orange Ushundow Plate 500k, Red Fropa Plate
L30 -
Thank you for finishing my Mission on time. Here is your reward..
Congratulations!! You have finished the Jester Mission
Empty Plate has now been fed to Breeno
L1 - Red Tearex Plate 75k for yarn
L2 - Pink Batty Plate
L3 - Purple Yoop Plate 200k
L4 - Grey Snoodi Plate 370k
L5 - Pink Jessul Plate 27k
L6 - Brown Bolisoro Plate 315k for mini
L7 - Blue Kusil Plate
L8 - Grey Leon Plate
L9 - White Chidow Plate
L10 - Red Deino
L11 - Green Taffy Plate 50k, Grey Trigaro Plate
L12 - Orange Addafo Plate, Orange Chibi Plate 75k for yarn
L13 - Blue High Plate, Pink Jessutt Plate
L14 - Yellow Puff Plate 25k, Brown Azulor Plate 240k
L15 - Pink Addoro Plate, Silver Leon Plate 500k
L16 - White Zetoro Plate, Blue Jessido Plate 45k
L17 - Boogle Plate, Green Seaso Plate
L18 - Pixel Plate, Pink Grinow Plate
L19 - Purple Batty Plate, Green Dusty Plate 300k
L20 - Blue Rweek Plate 500k, Green Jezebel Plate
L21 - Black Twinkle Plate, Orange Prancer Plate 55k
L22 - Blue Addese Plate, Black Murfzul Plate
L23 - Halloween Gutur Plate, Grey Charley Plate 30k
L24 - Grey Clover Plate 32k, Pink Paffint Plate
L25 - Blue Prancer Plate, Grey Batty Plate
L26 - Pink Chibi Plate, Red Huxen Plate
L27 - Yellow Iggy Plate, Grey Taffy Plate
L28 - Purple Chibi Plate, Grey Napoleon Plate
L29 - Blue Drenched Plate 30k, White Pythonix Plate 20k
L30 - Pink Trigaro Plate, Purple Chilla Plate
Dec 18, 2014
Thank you for finishing my Mission on time. Here is your reward..
Congratulations!! You have finished the Jester Mission
Endangered Fish has now been fed to Breeno
L1 - White Reaper Plate
L2 - Black Olvic Plate
L4 - Green Dragula Plate 46k
L5 - Pink Flow Plate
L6 - Blue Treat Plate
L7 - Red Addoth Plate
L8 - Black Flobberbat Plate
L10 - Green Doyow Plate
L11 - Green Sewage Plate, Grey Trigaro Plate
L13 - Black Spobble Plate, Purple Addup Plate
L14 - Yellow Addup Plate, Red Devan Plate
L15 - Yellow Cerberus Plate, Plug Plate
L16 - White Eggy Plate, Green Azow Plate
L17 - Purple Sobek Plate 62k, Green Devilray Plate
L18 - Green Doyow Plate, Yellow Poani Plate
L19 - Yellow Diamond Plate, Pink Seaso Plate 137k
L20 - Black Azulor Plate, Yellow Lurve Plate 278k
L21 - Lucifer Plate, Yellow Lush Plate 34k for yarn
L22 - Blue Flonk Plate, Pink Erni Plate 275k
L23 - Shnuggle Plate, Green Pingi Plate
L24 - Grey Horus Plate, White Arasi Plate Failed. Forgot to finish. ugh
L1 - Pink Leidow Plate 83k
L2 - Green Snuggles Plate
L3 - Black Sk8er Plate
L4 - Dune Plate
L5 - Grey Maddox Plate
L6 - Orange Quelow Plate 500k
L7 - Zax Plate 500k
L8 - Pink Hund Plate FAILED
forgot to finish. lol
L1 - Red Addup Plate
L2 - Pink Wax Plate
L3 - Pink Pythonix Plate 448k
L4 - Yellow Gordo Plate
L5 - Purple Pumpkin Ed Plate
L6 - Pink Vorto Plate
L7 - Blue Miort Plate
L8 - Purple Zointy Plate 140k
L9 - Black Reon Plate
L10 - Grey Echera Plate 500k and one other but page refreshed when I back paged to get the name of it.
L11 - Orange Chibi Plate, Splatter Iggy Plate
L12 - Black Spidly Plate, Bablah Plate
L13 - Orange Pat Plate 70k for yarn, White Lost Plate 138k
L14 - White Addup Plate 90k, Yellow Hick Plate
L15 - White Psyclone Plate 32k, Blue Bonehead Plate 100k
L16 - Purple Reaper Plate 17k, Green Gobby Plate
L17 - Blue Bolisoro Plate, Black Sk8er Plate
L18 - Orange Fendol Plate, Purple Liiing Plate 50k
L19 - Yellow Snoween Plate 90k for yarn, White Klik Plate
L20 - Red Flobberbat Plate, Red Laiyee Plate 450k
L21 - Black Bolint Plate 375k, White Yoop Plate 225k
L22 - Digital Clover Plate 490k, Pink Bacon Plate
L23 - Black Pixel Plate 105k, Black Iggy Plate 50k for yarn
Missed a level somewhere
L25 - Yellow Nerd Plate, Blue Pulika Plate 160k
L26 - Pyri Plate, Green Yeti Plate 100k
L27 - Poani Plate, Purple Devilray Plate
L28 - Orange Dantiz Plate 35k, Bellerina Plate
L29 - Orange Kronos Plate 20k, Blue Napoleon Plate 300k
L30 - Black James Plate, Purple Reesoro Plate
March 4th, 2015
Thank you for finishing my Mission on time. Here is your reward..
Congratulations!! You have finished the Jester Mission
You can now choose a Gourmet Food of your choice to be fed to your pet
Mummy Gumball has now been fed to Breeno
L1 - Yellow Gobby Plate 180k
L1 again - White Addup Plate
L2 - Bronze Adorab Plate 450k
L3 - Pink Toodles Plate
L4 - Grey Justala Plate
L5 - Brown Ushunoro Plate 500k
L6 - Orange Cerberus Plate 30k
L7 - Brown Jessido Plate 500k
L8 - Pink Iklue Plate
L9 - Purple Bugsy Plate 46k
L10 - Green Erto Plate 30k, Red Limited Plate 13k
L11 - Purple Pumpkin Ed Plate, Seaso Plate
L12 - Missed recording one earlier on
L13 - Pink Pumkin Plate 65k for yarn, White Prancer Plate
L14 - Nerd Plate, Pink Addese Plate 190k
L15 - Brown Jessutt Plate, White Bugsy Plate
L16 - Chubley Plate, Green Lidge Plate
L17 - Purple Yule Plate 100k, White Valentine Plate 50k
L18 - Blue Two Million Plate, Digital Pippin Plate
L19 - Heavy Plate, Grey Shnuggle Plate
L20 - Purple Addafo Plate, Red Chibi Plate
L21 - Purple Charley Plate, Brocklee Plate
L22 - Green Leidunda Plate 200k, Purple Reesoro Plate
L23 - Green Fumb Plate, Blue Doogle Plate
L24 - Balloonimal Plate, Radioactive Silkie Plate 42k
L25 - Grey Anuriah Plate, Googlag Plate
L26 - Pink Unlucky Plate 40k, Red Pikey Plate
L27 - Sunny Plate, Yellow Twittle Plate
L28 - Forgot to copy and paste.
L29 - Grey Bingo Plate 45k for yarn, Yellow Lela Plate
L30 - Green Yakuow Plate, Pink Rat Plate 100k for yarn
Thank you for finishing my Mission on time. Here is your reward..
Congratulations!! You have finished the Jester Mission
You can now choose a Gourmet Food of your choice to be fed to your pet
Jar of Artifacts has now been fed to Breeno Apr 6, 15
L1 - Stitch Plate
L2 - Yellow Dazmo Plate
L3 - Red Anubis Plate 30k
L4 - Grey James Plate 50k
L5 - Purple Snoop Plate 35k
L6 - Purple Neesta Plate
L7 - Pink Yhing Plate 18k
L8 - Grey Snickle Plate 12k for yarn
L9 - Grey Arasi Plate
L10 - Green Flix Plate
L11 - Green Nicky Plate, Black Ushunoro Plate
L12 - Shamrock Plate, Spooks Plate
L13 - Yolk Plate, Purple Fasorul Plate 430k
L14 - Red Floss Plate, Green Wookle Plate
L15 - Blue Eggy Plate, Yellow Plump Plate 45k
L16 - White Liiing Plate, Purple Leprechaun Plate FORGOT TO FINISH AGAIN !!! %&*^*&^%
L1 - Coal Plate
L2 - Grey Chilla Plate
L3 - Yellow Snickle Plate
L4 - Green Pulika Plate FORGOT TO FINISH AGAIN!!!
L1 - Red Shamrock Plate
L2 - Yellow Adorab Plate 100k
L3 - Green Lush Plate
L4 - Black Delayed Plate
L5 - Blue Moneybag Plate
L6 - Green Doomed Plate
L7 - Pink Grinido Plate
L8 - Green Gordo Plate
L9 - Spirit Plate
L10 - Pink Fee Plate
L11 - Yellow Addoth Plate, Purple Fynx Plate
L12 - Purple Viondol Plate, Yellow Leon Plate 500k
L13 - Superhero Plate, Pink Cerberus Plate 20k for yarn
L14 - Yellow Stego Plate, Plushie Flobberbat Plate used ball of yarn
L15 - Blue Batty Plate, Green Sprite Plate
L16 - Yellow Diamond Plate, Green Turkiye Plate
L17 - Orange Decapitate Plate, Blue Pikey Plate
L18 - Grey Princess Plate 80k, Red Flub Plate
L19 - Red Sprite Plate 14k, Red Bacon Plate
L20 - Yellow Mailo Plate 150k, Orange Pat Plate
L21 - Yellow Gingerbread Plate 18k yarn, White Naoen Plate 400k
L22 - Blue Dracone Plate, Purple Hart Plate 46k
L23 - Ian Plate, Black Azow Plate
L24 - Red Doyzul Plate, Grey Jezebel Plate 50k for yarn
L25 - Red Renuw Plate, Yellow Bush Plate
L26 - Grey Tweblud Plate 387k, Green Quibs Plate
L27 - Digital Shnuggle Plate 11, Black Syotto Plate
L28 - Yellow Chubley Plate, Grey Addoro Plate
L29 - Orange Bingo Plate, Pink Dino Plate 18k for yarn
L30 - White Pythonix Plate, Grey Azeido Plate
Breeze Bean has now been fed to Breeno
Finished about a week ago. Decided not to feed one til I needed to for GG. Finally on level 30 she asked for a gf I didnt' have. What a little meanie (insert adult word) she is. lol June 18, 2015
Staring June 19, 2015
L1 - White Vampry Plate
L2 - Blissaur Plate 500k
L3 - Green Shnuggle Plate
L4 - Yellow Fawlt Plate
L5 - Blue Goglue Plate
L6 - Witchlet Plate
L7 - Pink Clover Plate
L8 - Pumpkin Wiz Plate
L9 - Orange Mugen Plate
L10 - Yellow Anjet Plate
L11 - White Izzy Plate, Blue Bush Plate
L12 - Valentine Plate, Grey Addafo Plate
L13 - Yellow Candy Plate, Brown Sprite Plate
L14 - Orange Azlian Plate, Black Tres Plate 110k
L15 - Pink Loyal Plate 40k, Buckaroo Plate
L16 - Black Fatty Plate, Brown Zointy Plate
L17 - Yellow Chati Plate, Purple Doomed Plate
L18 - Limited Plate, Pink Leon Plate
L19 - Miort Plate, Orange Trigaro Plate
L20 - Black Ushunoro Plate, Orange Wassup Plate
L21 - Pink Quelow Plate, Orange Gummi Plate
L22 - Grey Thracius Plate 31k, Pink Plump Plate 40k
L23 - Lucent Plate, White Naoen Plate
L24 - Pink Maddox Plate 190k, Pink Shnuggle Plate 11k
L25 - Orange Wassup Plate, Red Fee Plate
L26 - Orange Fandor Plate 350k, Yellow Gazillionaire Plate
L27 - Orange Crush Plate, White Reezul Plate
L28 - White Fandor Plate, Blue Rweek Plate
L29 - Purple Snickle Plate, Black Pumpkin Ed Plate
L30 - Red Plug Plate (50k), Red Hippow Plate
Blogs were down. I got Giant Pearl which I needed for a low GG level.
Staring Aug 9, 2015
L1 - Yellow Gordo Plate
L2 - Red Dazmo Plate
L3 - Orange Pingi Plate
L4 - Brown Paffint Plate
L5 - Grey Doyow Plate
L6 - Grey Snowman Plate
L7 - Yellow Yule Plate
L8 - Orange Ata Plate
L9 - Mosquito Plate
L10 - Yellow Deino Plate 100k, Orange Hippow Plate
L12 - Yellow Kouki Plate, Orange Chidow Plate
L13 - Pink Azlian Plate, Blue Indy Plate 60k
L14 - Grey Ush Plate, Green Hart Plate 50k for yarn
L15 - Pink Flaydor Plate, White Addese Plate
L16 - Green Batty Plate, Blue Dusty Plate
L17 - Grey Quelow Plate, Grey Plump Plate 68k
L18 - Pink Deino Plate 500k, White Addese Plate
L19 - Black Snuggles Plate 45k, Orange Kuork Plate
L20 - Boris Plate, Orange Blooble Plate
L21 - Jokemo Plate, Green Arasi Plate
L22 - Dantiz Plate, Brown Huthimo Plate
L23 - Green Sheepbow Plate, Yellow Pugwash Plate 60k for yarn
L24 - Zorg Plate, Grey Silkie Plate
L25 - Blue Sabertooth Plate 500k, Red Syotto Plate 500k
L26 - Orange Nesasio Plate, Black Twinkle Plate
L27 - Blue Vile Plate, Purple Addup Plate
L28 - Orange USB Plate, Pink Liiing Plate 200k
L29 - Green Fild Plate 500k, Pink Toodles Plate
L30 - White Blake Plate, Purple Wallet Plate
Pink Bleeding Heart has now been fed to Breeno
Sept 8, 2015
L1 - Yellow Grinow Plate
L2 - Billy Plate
L3 - White Efall Plate 500k
L4 - Green Yakuow Plate
L9 - Blue Bingo Plate
L10 - Yellow Plynx Plate, Breeze Kronos Plate
L15 - Yellow Choyle Plate, Pink Reon Plate 200k
L16 - Black Chiliz Plate, Yellow Crush Plate
L17 - Plant Iggy Plate (used plant yarn to make), Sixth Plate
L18 - Sunny Plate, Purple Heart Plate 24k
L19 - Green Wax Plate, Yellow Pugwash Plate
L20 - Red Azeido Plate, Orange Zointy Plate
L21 - Yellow Faye Plate, Pink Aphid Plate
L22 - Sobek Plate, Red Splish Plate
L23 - Orange Vile Plate, Green Mizu Plate 500k to buy mizu and 60k for yarn.
L24 - Yellow Kronos Plate 20k, Purple Sniffles Plate 100k
L25 - Orange Seaso Plate 100k, Yellow Kouki Plate
L26 - Blue Ember Plate, Yellow Fidge Plate
L27 - Pink Float Plate, Purple Verano Plate (100k for yarn)
L28 - Pink Crush Plate, Orange Chuckles Plate
L29 - Unlucky Plate, Yellow Butters Plate
L30 - Pink Dusty Plate, Purple Butters Plate
Oct 10, 2015
Congratulations!! You have finished the Jester Mission
You can now choose a Gourmet Food of your choice to be fed to your pet
Slice of Lemon Lime Cream Pie has now been fed to Breeno For First level I did of GG after Passing Jester. GRRRR GG is badddd
L1 - ?
L2 - Black Kouki Plate 47k
L3 - Dracone Plate
L4 - Black Leto Plate
L5 - Purple Mina Plate
L6 - Orange Minnoth Plate 245k
Failed. forgot to complete
L1 - Pee Plate
L13 - Blue Sphinx Plate, Radioactive Gremble Plate
L14 - Pink Andy Plate, White Orville Plate
L15 - Lurve Plate 75k, Green Miort Plate 30k for yarn
L16 - Purple Aphid Plate 100k, Schmog Plate
L20 - Pink Scrooge Plate 75k, Pink Pythonix Plate
L21 - Green Snoween Plate, Brown Addafo Plate
L22 - Grey Devilray Plate, Purple Murfzul Plate
L23 - Purple Sprite Plate, Purple Pikey Plate
L24 - Green Schmog Plate, Purple Flaydor Plate
L25 - Liiing Plate, White Addoth Plate 100k
L26 - Red Chati Plate, Pink Bacon Plate
L27 - Orange Huthimo Plate, Black Tail Plate
L28 - Orange Indy Plate, Black Devan Plate
L29 - Pink Doomed Plate, Purple Nesasio Plate
L30 - Purple Kronos Plate, Yellow Doyow Plate
Jelly Hearts has now been fed to Breeno Nov 21
L1 - Yellow Plump Plate
L3 - Brown Grinido Plate
L4 - Blissaur Plate
L5 - Blue Cerberus Plate
L6 - Durabat Plate
L7 - White Chook Plate
L8 - Orange Superhero Plate
L9 - 100k
L10 - Black Chook Plate, Blue Prancer Plate
L12 - Green Heart Plate 33k, Shroom Plate
L13 - Grey Klik Plate 50k, Grey High Plate
L14 - White Liiing Plate, Purple Clover Plate
L15 - Yellow Snickle Plate, Green Snickle Plate
L16 - Purple Grouchy Plate 75k, Grey Zointy Plate 75k
L17 - Orange Witchlet Plate
White Azeido Plate
L18 -
L19 - Purple Zointy Plate
Blue Sphinx Plate
L20 - Green Jessul Plate
Grey Iggy Plate
L21 - Smew Plate
White Twittle Plate
L22 - 500k
L23 - Purple Dino Plate
Green Peiko Plate
L24 - Pink Wax Plate
Red Orville Plate
L25 - Black Zetlee Plate
Crush Plate
L27 - Orange Lurve Plate
Blue Zorg Plate
L28 - Spoopy Plate
Black Sprite Plate
L29 - Purple Bubbles Plate
Check Price
Grey Blooble Plate
L30 - Black Ushundow Plate
Blue Miort Plate
L1 - Yellow James Plate
L4 - Orange Pythonix Plate 165k
L5 - Orange Googlag Plate
L6 - Orange Wax Plate
L7 - Capone Plate
L11 - Red Erni Plate, Orange Shea Plate
L12 - Yellow Twins Plate, Red Osafup Plate
L13 - Purple Flonk Plate, Blue Twins Plate
L14 - Missed
L15 - Orange Jacko Plate, Yellow Bubbles Plate
L16 -
L17 - Green Kouki Plate, Grey Pinto Plate
L18 - Grey Paffint Plate, Vorto Plate
L19 - Gold Leon Plate 100k, Yellow Azlian Plate 250k
L20 -Pink Pugwash Plate, Black Snoween Plate 31k
L21 - Red Willafo Plate, Black Tail Plate
L22 - Silkie Plate, Orange Neesta Plate
L23 - Purple Vorto Plate, Yellow Hauntling Plate 91k
L24 - Daylight Fatty Plate, Superhero Plate
L25 - Sugarmites Plate, Grey Kuork Plate 250k
L26 - Purple Chevron Plate, Purple Sk8er Plate 100k
L27 -
L28 - Blue Schmog Plate, Yellow Naoen Plate 500k
L29 - Black Zound Plate, Yellow Lurve Plate
L30 - Gem Chook Plate, Blue Damaged Plate
Finished Feb 9, 2016
Chlug has now been fed to Breeno Feb 21, 2016
L8 -Blue Sheepbow Plate
L9 - Unlucky Plate
L10 - Sixth Plate, Grey Anuriah Plate
L12 - Yellow Fumb Plate, White Elektro Plate
L13 - Plushie Rock Plate, Gobby Plate
L14 - White Filondor Plate 30k, Black Sobek Plate
L15 - Yellow Dazmo Plate, Yellow Christmas Plate
L16 - Yellow Grinido Plate, Pucci Plate
L17 - Blue Zound Plate
Blue Gordo Plate
L19 - Juju Plate
Black Doyzul Plate
L20 - Baxter Plate
Red Gutur Plate
Blue Volum Plate
Red Snickle Plate
Pink Dracorex Plate
Grey Kidala Plate
Green Lucky Plate
Red Osafup Plate
Black Osabri Plate
White Batty Plate
Green Yonce Plate
Flip Plate
Red Ian Plate
Sk8er Plate
Yellow Teto Plate
Pink Maddox Plate
Green Fee Plate
Purple Pikey Plate
Green Bunns has now been fed to Breeno for GG. On Easter Sunday March 27, 2016
Bone Potato fed to Breeno on June 10, 2016
Failed on level 26 or 27. Forgot to finish it. So disappointed. Aug 2, 2016
#30 - Sept 6th, 2016
Thank you for finishing my Mission on time. Here is your reward..
Congratulations!! You have finished the Jester Mission
You can now choose a Gourmet Food of your choice to be fed to your pet
Panda Pearl has now been fed to Breeno - Sept 24th, 2016.
Congratulations!! You have finished the Jester Mission
Finished on Dec 24th 2016
Finally used this for GG for level 8 for Party Pearl.
Round #32
Congratulations!! You have finished the Jester Mission
Finished April 16, 2017
Finished a couple days ago. Used for backup for GG. Not doing GG anymore for now. Lorius plushies not selling well atm.
Vacation Gumball has now been fed to Breeno June 18, 07
#34 - Ercuw Blood Oct 5th, 2017
#35 - Rainbow Smoothie SOLD MINE FOR 7MIL
Only retired items left are a couple bunns
#36 - Grey Bunns has now been fed to Breeno Jan 9, 19
#37 - Pumpkin has now been fed to Breeno March 13, 2019
#38 - Orange Bunns has now been fed to Breeno May 13, 2019
#39 - Red Bunns has now been fed to Breeno june 23, 2019
#40 - Yellow Bunns has now been fed to Breeno july 22, 2019
#41 - Bone Potato has now been fed to Breeno Aug 17, 2019
#42 - Smuggler Pearl has now been fed to Breeno Sept 27, 2019
Get Party Hot Dog!
#43 - Grey DNA has now been fed to Breeno Nov 1, 2019
#44 - Party Hot Dog has now been fed to Breeno Dec 2, 2019
Get Ercuw Ice Sculpture, Brown Rice Onigiri, Pearl s NEW Melted items
#45 - Fresh Cruller none on ss or in trades
#46 - Funazushi has now been fed to Breeno
May 28, 2020
#47 - My Treat Candy Heart has now been fed to Breeno Aug , 2020
#48 - Pudge has now been fed to Breeno Sep 2, 2020
49 - SPAM Fairy Sugar Cube has now been fed to Breeno oct 6, 2020
50 - Spam Fairy Cupcake has now been fed to Breeno Nov 11, 2020
51 - Munch Chocolate Bar has now been fed to Breeno Dec 24, 2020
52 - Miniature Pumpkins has now been fed to Breeno Jan 27, 2021
53 - Breeno now has Spam Fairy Potato in their collection Mar 4, 2021
54 - Breeno now has Gizmo Cookie in their collection Mar 30, 2021
55 - Breeno now has Fat Mistake in their collection Apr 30, 2021
56 - Breeno now has Seasonal Tootoo in their collection May 31, 2021
57 - Breeno now has Cheeky Omelette in their collection June 26, 2021
58 - Breeno now has Fat Beach in their collection
59 - Breeno now has Fat Trauma in their collection Aug 23, 2021
60 - Breeno now has Spam Fairy Pearl in their collection Sep 26, 2021
61 - Breeno now has Fat Nerd in their collection Nov 22, 2021
62 - Breeno now has Fat Plump in their collection Dec 17, 2021
63 - Breeno now has Fat Serri in their collection Jan 12, 2022
64 - Breeno now has Fat Deeko in their collection Feb 5, 2022
65 - Breeno now has Fat Klik in their collection Mar 2, 2022
66 - Breeno now has Fat Doomed in their collection Apr 19, 2022
67 - Breeno now has Fat Farley in their collection May 16, 2022
68 - Breeno now has Fat Fatty in their collection June 26, 2022
69 - Breeno now has Fat
Turdle in their collection July 22, 2022
70 - Breeno now has Fat Grimmus in their collection Aug 14, 2022
71 - Breeno now has Fat Jezebel in their collection Sept 11, 2022
72. - Breeno now has Watermelon Book in their collectio Nov 18, 2022
73 - Breeno now has Fat Ian in their collection Feb 7, 2022
74 Breeno now has Fat Limited in their collection Mar 10, 2023
75 Breeno now has Fat Loser in their collection Apr 5 2023
76 Breeno now has Fat Nude in their collection Apr 29 2023
77 Breeno now has Fat Sassy in their collection
78 Breeno now has Fat Tefty in their collection June 16, 2023
79 Breeno now has Starry Coconut Pie in their collection July 17, 2023
80 Breeno now has Baby Pearl in their collection Aug 8, 2023
81 Breeno now has Slice of Angel Pizza in their collection Sep 1, 2023
82 Breeno now has Ombre Gumball in their collection Nov 3, 2023
83 Breeno now has Starry Lemon Pie in their collection Dec 2, 2023
84 Breeno now has Rainbow Cinnamon Bun in their collection Jan 1, 2024
85 Breeno now has Rainbow Cookie Platter in their collection Jan 25, 2024
86 Breeno now has Rainbow Gummy Worm Pizza in their collection Feb 16, 2024
87 Breeno now has Slice of Rainbow Gummy Worm Pizza in their collectiom
march 10, 2024
88 Breeno now has Rainbow Clover Sugar Cookie in their collection
March 30, 2024
Gourmet Foods Complete
Only 5 ppl have them all