Simerian Explorer Quest Run - 1mil
6 years, 8 months & 17 days ago
11th Apr 2018 08:06 Starting quest number - 709
Rune F x 2
Rune D
Rune K
Rune U
Rune B
Rune I
Rune AE
Rune Z
Rune M
Rune P
Rune S
ending quest number - 858
Total Runes Worth - 3.8mil
149 quests completed, 12 Runes earned.
Halloween 2017 - Item Count
7 years, 2 months & 6 days ago
20th Oct 2017 08:30 CHARACTER TRICK OR TREAT[x]Bat Bat
[]Broken Arm Cast
[x]Candycorn Doughnut
[]Collared Dress
[x]Frankenstein Pencil
[]Gothic Harness
[x]Knight Helmet
[x]Plastic Red Spider Ring
[x]Scary Eyes Stamp
[x]Spiced Pumpkin Drink
[x]Spooky Drumset 1/10
[]Toddler Overalls
[]Toddler Sweater
[]Zombie Hand Stamp
[]Zombie Jerky
[]Zombie Plushie
[] Devil Suit
[x] Feathers
[x] Gourmet Zombie Meal
[x] Gun Holster
[x] Halloween Azul Plushie
[x] Halloween Jacket
[x] Harvest Scythe
[] Nightmare Glow
[] Nightmare Top
[x] Pile of Leaves
[x] Plastic Yellow Spider Ring
[] Skull Wreath
[] Spooky Doughnut
[x] Spooky Shirt
[x] Vampire Pencil
ELGER TRICK OR TREAT[x] Skull Violin - 3/10
[x] Little Ghost Story
[] Spider Web Doughnut
[x] Halloween Leido Plushie
[] Black Trim School Blazer
[] Haunted House
[x] Haunted Tree
[x] Plain Pitiful Pigtails Wig
[x] Spider Hat
[x] White Trim School Blazer
[x] Plastic Blue Spider Ring
[x] Witch Pencil
PUMPKIN OF GOLD[x] Candycorn Pencil
[] Devil Wing Hair Clips
[x] Halloween Pucu Plushie
[] Plastic Spider Ring
[x] Skeleton Wing Gloves
[] Skull Candle
BEELZEBUB[x] Beelzebub Stamp
[x] Flaming Shoes
[x] Severed Horn
[] Cowboy Hat
[] Ghost Pencil
[] Peacock Feathers
[] Plastic Glowing Spider Ring
[] Red Riding Hood
[] Trooper Mask
PUMPKIN HUNT[x] 2017 Pumpkin
[] Beige Pumpkin
[] Big Ears Pumpkin
[x] Big Mouth Pumpkin
[x] Big Teeth Pumpkin
[x] Cursed Pumpkin
[] Fire Pumpkin
[x] Lightning Pumpkin
[x] Lilac Pumpkin
[x] Magenta Pumpkin
[x] Midnight Pumpkin
[x] Moonlight Pumpkin
[x] Mummy Pumpkin
[] Nightmare Pumpkin
[x] Nimbus Pumpkin
[x] Snaggletooth Pumpkin
[x] Sparkle Pumpkin
[] Spider Pumpkin
[] Starry Eyed Pumpkin
[] Trumpkin
[x] Water Pumpkin
[x] Winter Pumpkin
[x] Pumpkin Doughnut
[x] Pitiful Pigtails Wig
[x] Police Officer Hat
[] Police Officer Shirt
[x] Police Officer Pants
[] Police Officer Belt
[x] Pumpkin Skirt
[x] Pumpkin Shirt
[x] Trick or Treat Pail
[x] Possessed Phonograph
[x] Pumpkin Bath Bomb
[x] Pumpkin Pencil
[x] Scarecrow Stamp
Quest run, my son
7 years, 6 months & 15 days ago
12th Jun 2017 04:06 gonna do 500k - 1mil on a couple of different quests, because I woke up too early before work and now have to keep myself occupied so I don\'t lose my mind
Candy Tree
Simerian Explorer
Let\'s go!!
Haunted House -Starting MP - 4,000,084
Starting Quest Number - 2,160
End MP - 3,502,987
End Quest Number - 2,265
Crystals gotten - 210
Simerian Explorer - Starting MP - 3,502,987
Starting Quest Number - 418
End MP - 3,002,718
End Quest Number - 538
Runes Gotten - 9
Leprechaun -Starting MP - 3,002,718
Starting Quest Number - 2,553
End MP - 2,498,516
End Quest Number - 2,645
RP Gained - 144,504
Buying New Map Pieces!!!
7 years, 7 months & 9 days ago
18th May 2017 17:39 Looking to buy the pieces of the new Vortex park map that I don't have!! Also buying AU at 975k MP each
Pieces I need;
Please MM/MT me if you have any of them!! Thanks!
Quests Run!!
7 years, 8 months & 13 days ago
13th Apr 2017 13:22 I need 992,000 RP for the whole of the Whirlpool Map. Let's do this!!
Starting Quest Number - 1851
Starting RP Amount - 89093 (In bank)
Will update spending every 500k! Will also include RP made from buying from shops.
500k -
119,583 RP
1mil -
133,406 RP
152,993 RP
2mil -
135,177 RP
2.5mil -
119,200 RP
3mil -
166,016 RP
3.5mil -
111,130 RP
Total RP ending - 1,027,169RP !!!!!