Undying Woods Goal completed!
5 years, 2 months & 2 days ago
23rd Oct 2019 22:23 Thank you for finishing my Mission on time
Enchanted Blue Zoink Plushie and Marapoints 100,000MP
You have completed level 50 of the Undying Woods Goals
??2 Account Upgrade Credits
Another one done
I saw my Grandad today...
4 years, 6 months & 22 days ago
4th Jun 2020 11:39 And it didn't look like him
He passed away 29th May and this was the first time I was able to go see him.
It broke my heart even more when I saw him, if it wasn't for his tattoos and his funky quiff hairdo then I would swear he was someone else.
Life just hates me right now. I have lost my dog, 2 Uncles and both Grandparents in the space of 4 years.
I don't think I can take much more heartache
My head hurts.
This year is already a bust and here I am thinking that it couldn't get any worse.
I get comfort knowing that my Grandad is back with his wife where he wanted to be since she grew her wings.
I just miss him so much!!
Life for sure will never ever be the same again.