Slate Pyramid - COMPLETED X2
13 years, 9 months & 20 days ago
25th Mar 2011 12:12 Level 1 - Esthel uses the Simerian Slates and....
Reward - 2,500MP (Slates H,7,7)
Level 2 - Esthel uses the Simerian Slates and....
Reward - 5,000MP (Slates 7,L,G)
Level 3 - Esthel uses the Simerian Slates and....
Reward - Desert Cake (Slates O,X,7)
Level 4 - Esthel uses the Simerian Slates and....
Reward - 7,000MP (Slates I,T,2)
Level 5 - Esthel uses the Simerian Slates and....
Reward - 8,000MP (Slates E,W,10)
Level 6 - Esthel uses the Simerian Slates and....
Reward - 9,000MP (Slates S,R,Z)
Level 7 - Esthel uses the Simerian Slates and....
Reward - Esthel has gained a level stat! (Slates S,N,R)
Level 8 - Esthel uses the Simerian Slates and....
Reward - Slate Pyramid Pot (Slates S,C,K)
Level 9 - Esthel uses the Simerian Slates and....
Reward - 10,000MP (Slates T,F,K)
Level 10 - Esthel uses the Simerian Slates and....
Reward - Esthel has gained 2 coordination stats! (Slates S,A,P)
Level 11 - Esthel uses the Simerian Slates and....
Reward - Esthel has gained 2 strength stats! (Slates N,$,A)
Level 12 - Esthel uses the Simerian Slates and....
Reward - 12,000MP (Slates 5,X,T)
Level 13 - Esthel uses the Simerian Slates and....
Reward - Esthel has gained 3 charisma stats (Slates 5,X,8)
Level 14 - Esthel uses the Simerian Slates and....
Reward - Pyramid Necklace (Slates I,10,V)
Level 15 - Esthel uses the Simerian Slates and....
Reward - 14,000MP (Slates J,10,U)
Level 16 - Esthel uses the Simerian Slates and....
Reward - 16,000MP (Slates T,8,Z)
Level 17 - Esthel uses the Simerian Slates and....
Reward - Esthel has gained 2 speed stats! (Slates D,A,A)
Level 18 - Esthel uses the Simerian Slates and....
Reward - Hump Action Figure (Slates Q,N,H)
Level 19 - Esthel uses the Simerian Slates and....
Reward - 18,000MP (Slates F,7,9)
Level 20 - Esthel uses the Simerian Slates and....
Reward - ??1 Account Upgrade Credit (Slates I,Y,U)
Level 21 - Esthel uses the Simerian Slates and....
Reward - Esthel has gained 5 magic stats! (Slates O,10,Y)
Level 22 - Esthel uses the Simerian Slates and....
Reward - Slate Songs (Slates Q,D,3)
Level 23 - Esthel uses the Simerian Slates and....
Reward - 20,000MP (Slates Q,J,Y)
Level 24 - Esthel uses the Simerian Slates and....
Reward - Esthel has gained 5 health stats! (Slates Z,2,3)
Level 25 - Esthel uses the Simerian Slates and....
Reward - 25,000MP (Slates V,T,3)
Level 26 - Esthel uses the Simerian Slates and....
Reward - Esthel has gained 5 Science stats! (Slates E,V,P)
Level 27 - Esthel uses the Simerian Slates and....
Reward - Sphinx (Slates V,A,R)
Level 28 - Esthel uses the Simerian Slates and....
Reward - 50,000MP (Slates C,D,K)
Level 29 - Esthel uses the Simerian Slates and....
Reward - Esthel has gained 3 defence stats! (Slates T,4,Y)
Level 30 - Esthel uses the Simerian Slates and....
Reward - ??2 Account Upgrade Credit (Slates 3,O,5)
Level 31 - Esthel uses the Simerian Slates and....
Reward - 75,000MP (Slates T,X,Q)
Level 32 - Esthel uses the Simerian Slates and....
Reward - Esthel has gained 6 level stats! (Slates C,6,M)
Level 33 - Esthel uses the Simerian Slates and....
Reward - Book of Desert Anirmals (Slates C,B,8)
Level 34 - Esthel uses the Simerian Slates and....
Reward - 100,000MP (Slates X,X,O)
Level 35 - Esthel uses the Simerian Slates and....
Reward - Esthel has gained 5 balance stats! (Slates N,K,W)
Level 36 - Esthel uses the Simerian Slates and....
Reward - 125,000MP (Slates 1,Y,6)
Level 37 - Esthel uses the Simerian Slates and....
Reward - Slate Pyramid Stamp (Slate N,I,1)
Level 38 - Esthel uses the Simerian Slates and....
Reward - Esthel has gained 7 stamina stats! (Slates W,9,7,)
Level 39 - Esthel uses the Simerian Slates and....
Reward - 150,000MP (Slates 5,A,O)
Level 40 - Esthel uses the Simerian Slates and....
Reward - ??3 Account Upgrade Credit (Slates 7,O,W)
Level 41 - Esthel uses the Simerian Slates and....
Reward - Slate Pyramid (Slates 2,U,H)
Level 42 - Esthel uses the Simerian Slates and....
Reward - 200,000MP (Slates Z,5,G)
Level 43 - Esthel uses the Simerian Slates and....
Reward - Esthel has gained 10 Maths stats! (Slates D,8,5)
Level 44 - Esthel uses the Simerian Slates and....
Reward - 300,000MP (Slates H,8,M)
Level 45 - Esthel uses the Simerian Slates and....
Reward - Pyramid Twins Trading Card (Slates 10,6,8)
Level 46 - Esthel uses the Simerian Slates and....
Reward - Esthel has gained 10 level stats! (Slates 6,8,10)
Level 47 - Esthel uses the Simerian Slates and....
Reward - 400,000MP (Slates P,U,Y)
Level 48 - Esthel uses the Simerian Slates and....
Reward - Esthel has gained 8 speed stats! (Slates L,P,F)
Level 49 - Esthel uses the Simerian Slates and....
Reward - 500,000MP (Slates 1,Q,5)
Level 50 - Esthel uses the Simerian Slates and....
Congratulations!! You have made your way through the Slate Pyramid!!!
You can now change your pet to a pet Echlin next time you visit this Temple. (Slates 5,3,2)
Completed 5/31/2011 (Esthel)
Slate Pyramid Round 2
Completed 10/22/2012
Wynnea uses the Simerian Slates and....
Congratulations!! You have made your way through the Slate Pyramid!!!
You can now change your pet to a pet Echlin next time you visit this Temple.
Slate Pyramid Round 3