le pet quiz
16 years, 9 months & 29 days ago
17th Jan 2008 18:44 are you ready to begin? Great lets go!!!!
Your stranded on a desert island, what would you want to bring most?
A: T.V.
B: Boat
C: Fishing pole
You have a huge math test tomarrow, what will you do?
A: Try to forget and hope for the best
B: Study until midnight
C: Find the teachers answer book and write the answers on your hand
You see a cat stuck in a tree, what will you do?
A: leave it, it'll come down eventually
B: Grab a ladder and rescue it
C: Throw stuff at it until it falls
You see a random little girl crying, what do you assume?
A: WHO CARES!!!!!!!!!!
B: She probably needs help!!!
C: She's probably just being whiney!!!!!
What do you like better?
A: Chocolate
B: Grapes
C: Lemons
If you were mostly A's you are an...
If you were mostly B's you are a...
If you were mostly C's you are a...
Thanks for playing!!
P.S. Please join my club!!!!!!!
16 years, 9 months & 29 days ago
17th Jan 2008 18:15 ?????????
16 years, 9 months & 29 days ago
17th Jan 2008 13:59 ????????????????????????
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????????? /???/????????????
16 years, 10 months & 21 days ago
25th Dec 2007 16:23 -----///\\-----Please
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