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18th September 2018
6 years, 3 months & 24 days ago
Can you find these new Hidden Avatars?

The Hump can now wear the Angel, Blitzen, Dalmatian, Defective, Devil, Eleka, Rotten and Starry Costumes.

17th September 2018
6 years, 3 months & 26 days ago
The Decadal, Doyle, Ercuw and Eyru can now wear the Leopard Costume and the Figaro and Flab can now wear the Dalmatian Costume.

15th September 2018
6 years, 3 months & 27 days ago
A new Account Upgrades Promotion has started. The Bangs Hair Extension, Chips and Salsa and Motorcycle Jacket prizes have been replaced with a Fishtail Braids Wig, Fun Hoodie and Maroon Glowing Egg. All players will receive these 3 new items and 30% extra credit for FREE with their next purchase of Account Upgrades Credit.

All winners of the Birthday Hunt have now received their prizes.

Congratulations to Kare, Lady_Mew, Hypnos, JazzS2, littleangel011977, Sumer6, jessy266, Tals, shanpump, Kaaari, meodlly, HeavenlyAngels, ann49, Pukwudgie and Eswyn who each won a retired Party Costume.

The Memory Shop in Ziranek has 36 new Binary Code items on sale. These items are toys for your pet to play with and will be needed to complete the Wonky Pyramid coming soon to Kamilah Desert!

14th September 2018
6 years, 3 months & 28 days ago
Can you find these new Hidden Avatars?

All 77 Pets can now wear the Olive Costume and the Maroon Costume.

There are over 400 new and revamped Plushies that can be won from the Plushie and Enchanted Plushie Machines. Both Machines have been changed to give out more plushies than ever before!

11th September 2018
6 years, 4 months & 1 day ago
The Capsule Machine has been refilled with new items. The previous Capsule Machine items have now been retired.

10th September 2018
6 years, 4 months & 2 days ago
Can you find these new Hidden Avatars?

These new and improved Addow Potions have been released and are now restocking at the Potions shop.

The Oglue Plushies have been revamped and lots of new Enchanted Oglue Plushies have been added to the Troll mission prize list.

9th September 2018
6 years, 4 months & 3 days ago
The Equilor, Ercuw and Eyru can now wear the Sewers Costume. The Sewers Basil and Echlin have been updated to the new style.

8th September 2018
6 years, 4 months & 4 days ago
The Cowboy Costume was first released in February 2009 in Account Upgrades and the costume has been retired and forgotten about ever since. We have updated and renamed the costume and a new version of the Cowboy Account Upgrade has been released, with 8 new themed items. A new Bootleg Pyramid Treasure Map is the main prize. Collect all 16 pieces of this map and you will gain access to the brand new Bootleg Pyramid feature recently released. You will receive 6 or 7 random pieces of this map. There is a 1 in 3 chance you will receive 7 pieces instead of 6 pieces. This AU will retire November 15th.

The Addow, Astro, Chibs, Decadal, Kujo, Raulf, Rusty and Sybri can now wear the Cowboy Costume.

The original eight Cowboy pets have been updated.

7th September 2018
6 years, 4 months & 5 days ago
A new Pyramid has opened in the Kamilah Desert. Complete all 16 pieces of the Bootleg Pyramid Treasure Map from the new Cowboy Account Upgrade set to gain lifetime access. This ancient Bootleg Pyramid has 50 levels inside. While inside the pyramid, your pet will see ancient symbols on the walls or floor which will help him safely proceed to the next level. But you will need Fake Hieroglyphics to help translate.

At each level of the Pyramid, you will get a prize. It can be either items, currency, pet stats or Account Upgrade Credit. There is no time limit for completing the Pyramid, but you can only complete one level every 8 hours. If you manage to reach level 50, you will be able to add a missing Book, CD or DVD to your pet's collection!

A new Native Fairy prize has been added for those who have completed 20 maps, instructions or passes.

Can you find the new 'Bootleg Pyramid' Hidden Avatar?

30th August 2018
6 years, 4 months & 13 days ago
The Raulf, Sindi, Ushunda, Walee and Zoink can now wear the Slime Costume.

28th August 2018
6 years, 4 months & 15 days ago
These new limited edition Account Upgrades items have been added for our Birthday. They will retire September 10th.

These new Hidden Avatars have now been released.

These new prizes have been added to the Birthday Events.

24th August 2018
6 years, 4 months & 19 days ago
Our 14th Birthday Party celebrations have finally started. We have 2 new events that will run until September 15th.

Our 14th Birthday Party has started! We need your help inviting as many online players to the fun! Visit a user's profile and hit the 'Happy Birthday' button and they will be invited to the party. Each player is different - some won't party, some will and others will have the best time ever! The respone of the character will depend on what prize you receive. You can only invite a player who is currently online and can only invite the same player once every day. Each player can only be invited once every 30 seconds. You will receive MP or one of 25 new Pinatas as a prize.

Hit any of the new Pinatas and you will find one of these new prizes inside...

As you browse and play the site as normal, a 'Birthday Gift' may show up in a box. When you find it, click it and you are guaranteed a prize! You can win all of these new Gift Bags below, MP and if you're lucky, Account Upgrades Credit!

At the end of the event, the top 100 players who collect the most gifts will receive 1,500,000MP and a Party Monster Trading Card! The next 300 players will win a Party Monster Trading Card.

15 random players who find 100 or more Gifts will also randomly win a retired Party Costume.

Posting the 14th Birthday Balloon Box image on profiles, siggies, etc is confusing to other players and, as usual, is not allowed. If you are asked to remove the image and do not do so, your account may be frozen until the end of the 14th Birthday celebrations.

Open any of the new Gift Bags and you will find one of these new prizes inside...

23rd August 2018
6 years, 4 months & 20 days ago
We would like to thank you all for your patience the past couple of weeks while we completed our Server Maintenance. It is now finished and was a complete success. We can now continue as normal with new updates, with the Birthday Events due to start tomorrow.

For a limited time only, the retired Virgo Treasure Chest is back on sale at the Account Upgrades Shop. It will all automatically retire September 10th.

The Crindol, Ercuw, Kronk, Limax and Rusty can now wear the Checkered Costume.

17th August 2018
6 years, 4 months & 26 days ago
We have been working our hardest to fix the Server Issues we are having AND keep the site open at the same time. However, the lag is really annoying for us all and the maintenance will be completed a lot quicker with the site taken offline. We have made the decision to close the site for 3-4 days to complete the maintenance much, much faster. Later today, the site will be going offline. We will keep you updated with our progress on our Facebook page and will start our Birthday Events as soon as this is completed. Thank you for your patience and understanding.
5th August 2018
6 years, 5 months & 8 days ago
For a limited time only, the retired Leo Treasure Chest is back on sale at the Account Upgrades Shop. It will all automatically retire August 15th.

The Chibs, Kronk and Limax can now wear the Bug Costume.

4th August 2018
6 years, 5 months & 8 days ago
We would like to give you all a quick update on the Server Issues we are currently experiencing. One of our main storage servers is having issues and causing problems for us. We have a replacement on the way and are working to get this fixed as quickly as we can. However, this is a big job for us to completely re-install and repair without taking the site offline. This could take 4-8 days to complete but we are working around the clock to have this fixed as quickly as possible so that we can start the Birthday Events. We appreciate your patience and understanding.

Vortex Park Goals have 25 new levels for you to complete. You can now complete up to 50 levels. There are 12 new item prizes, lots of MP and £3 Account Upgrade Credits to be won.

3rd August 2018
6 years, 5 months & 9 days ago
The Checkered Costume was first released in December 2005 in Account Upgrades and the costume has been retired and forgotten about ever since. Until the beginning of this year, it was very rarely restocking at Smuggling too! A new version of the Checkered Account Upgrade has been released, with 7 new Checkered themed items and either a Checkered coloured Tasi or Addow Enchanted Plushie. This AU will retire October 10th.

All of the older Checkered pets have been updated to match the new style. More pets will be able to wear the Checkered Costume soon!

23rd July 2018
6 years, 5 months & 20 days ago
Every player will once again have to change their Account Password. Many players changed their password to something too similar or changed it back to the same, old password that was compromised. Please change your password to something that you have never used before. Once you have changed the password, you can verify. If you are having problems verifying, please go to the Help Forums or email us your username from the email address on your account and we will verify manually. Thanks for your patience and understanding!

The Gobble, Hump, Ideus, Ike and Jessup can now wear the Leopard Costume.

21st July 2018
6 years, 5 months & 22 days ago
Congratulations to Camp Pamba for winning the Safari Event. The final results were 915,797 for Camp Pamba vs 843,553 for Camp Jani. Well done for everyone who took part in this event. Your Safari Badges have been added to your Profile - all players should visit this page now to claim their Trophies and Bonus Prizes.

All players who have earned at least one badge for Camp Pamba will now have LOTS of random Bonus Prizes in their Inventory. Camp Jani will receive less bonus prizes.

Congratulations to the Top 100 Players who earned the most points in this event. You have now won a Capsule Machine Token, £1 Account Upgrade Credit, a Manticore minipet and 1,000,000MP.

Ccan you find these Safari Hidden Avatars?

Marapets will be 14 Years Old August 15th. Don't miss our Birthday Party Event next month!!

The final Safari Event results for the last day of the event were..

Camp Jani
Camp Pamba
20th July 2018
6 years, 5 months & 23 days ago
We would like to remind everyone the importance of Account Security. Several players have had their accounts compromised and have lost items/MP/AU/pets because of their easy-to-guess passwords. We have forced ALL players to re-verify their accounts and change their password to something more secure. You should NEVER share your password with anyone or use the same username and password on other sites. You should also make sure that your account always has a valid email address. Please read this Google Guide to a Strong Password and update your Marapets password if it is not secure. Staff will not be able to help you in the future if you account is compromised because you have a simple, weak password.

For a limited time only, the retired Cancer Treasure Chest is back on sale at the Account Upgrades Shop. It will all automatically retire July 30th.

The Kujo, Kronk and Leido can now wear the Leopard Costume.

10th June 2018
6 years, 7 months & 2 days ago
A new Safari Treasure Chest is on sale at the Account Upgrades Shop. It will automatically retire July 25th. You can open this item to receive 8 different, random new items, including new clothes, wigs, contact lenses, footwear, minipet, gourmet food and accessories. You will not receive duplicate items inside a single treasure chest.

Can you find the 'Rawr' and 'Scratchy' Hidden Avatars?

3rd June 2018
6 years, 7 months & 9 days ago
The Explorer Costume was first released in July 2008 and the costume has been retired and neglected ever since. We have changed this costume now to a new Safari Costume and released a new Safari Account Upgrade. This includes 8 new safari themed items and either a Safari coloured Limax or Tantua Enchanted Plushie. This AU will retire July 4th.

Remember, restricted pets such as Limax are only released in Account Upgrades once per year or less!

The Daisy, Equilor, Huthiq, Tantua, Tasi and Zoosh have been updated and now have the newest style of Safari.

The Limax, Sybri, Jessup, Bolimo, Viotto and Dakota can now wear the Safari Costume.

1st June 2018
6 years, 7 months & 11 days ago
Our new summer event started midnight June 1st. All players are automatically invited to join a Safari Camp. Park Rangers have put you into either Camp Pamba or Camp Jani and will start giving you challenges to complete right away. There are over 30 different types of challenges you could be asked to complete - including quests, missions, restocking and battling! You will earn a point for your team after you complete each challenge and you may also win an MP or item prize. All prizes retire at the end of the event.

There are 30 different scout badges for you to collect - one for each day in June. Complete 20 or more challenges each day and you will receive the badge. Earn all 30 badges for a Gold Trophy on your profile, 20 for silver and 10 for bronze. The more badges you earn, the more prizes that will unlock for you to win. This means that a small amount of the item prizes can only be won from players who earn 20 or more badges!

At the end of the event, the winning team will receive extra bonus prizes - so keep earning points for your team! There will also be prizes for the top 100 players who earn the most points and the Park Rangers will also randomly give Account Upgrade Credits to 10 random team players who receive a badge each day.

25th May 2018
6 years, 7 months & 18 days ago
We have just released Goals for the Vortex Park world. At every level you have a new goal to complete related to Vortex Park. Each level gets harder to complete but you will receive a prize for completing each level. The Vortex Park Goals are the 21st world to have goals and currently has 25 levels for you to complete.

Vortex Park Goals have been added to the Vortex Park world map and the Goals page. You also have a new profile shield for this world.

22nd May 2018
6 years, 7 months & 21 days ago
For a limited time only, the retired Gemini Treasure Chest is back on sale at the Account Upgrades Shop. It will all automatically retire June 7th.

The Pucu, Poera, Nino and Oglue can now wear the Slime Costume.