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26th November 2019
5 years, 1 month & 12 days ago
The Gobble is back again this year - just in time for Thanksgiving! These new, random Gobble Enchanted Plushie and Potions are at the Account Upgrades Shop. You can view the Full List here. They will automatically retire December 10th.

The Gobble can now wear the Candy, British and Bootleg Costumes. The Zombie Gobble has also been updated.

The Heatwave has turned our Maradan winter into summer. For a limited time only, the retired Summer Treasure Chest from 2015 is back on sale at the Account Upgrades Shop. It will automatically retire again December 15th.

24th November 2019
5 years, 1 month & 14 days ago
One of our oldest features, the Dukka Town Scratchcards has been relaunched. It still costs a Two Dukka Coin to buy a scratchcard once per hour, or 30 minutes with the Scratchcards Giftbox but almost every thing else has changed. Scratchcards no longer need to be 'used' in your Inventory - they're now toys for your pets to play with in this way instead. Any Dukka Town Scratchcard you have in your Inventory can be scratched at any time at the Scratchcards game page.

There are still the same 10 different Scratchcards and if you had any that were not scratched before, they were returned to your Inventory a few days ago. Each card is rarer than the next, with higher chances of winning and bigger prizes on each. There is a new Mega Jackpot which is a combined MP jackpot with Dukka Town, Jenoa (relaunching soon) and Vortex Park (coming soon). All three of these scratchcard games will add to this jackpot and all can win it. Each scratchcard kiosk also has it's own Jackpot.

The Dukka Town Scratchcard kiosk has brand new artwork and is easier to navigate and play now. You also actually SCRATCH each Scratchcard when you play now - and this also works on mobile! You can win University Stats, Dukka Coins, Account Upgrade Credit, Charisma Stats, Retired items, Enchanted Plushies, Plushies, random items, RP, BP and MP. We hope you like the changes!

24th November 2019
5 years, 1 month & 15 days ago
A new set of limited edition Thanksgiving items are now on sale at the Account Upgrades Shop. They will all automatically retire December 9th.

Can you find these new Hidden Avatars?

Gobbles can now wear the Camouflage and Floral Costumes and the Mummy Gobble has been updated.

23rd November 2019
5 years, 1 month & 16 days ago
H A P P Y   T H A N K S G I V I N G !

It's almost Thanksgiving in the United States and we would like to wish all of our players celebrating a very happy Thanksgiving. Everyone at Marapets is thankful for each and every one of you!

There is a shortage of Gobbles in Marada. With Talon frightened that he will be cooked instead, he has hired a replacement until December 11th. The Heatwave in Marada has had tragic consequences for the Urple family. Zurple (Burple's colourful sister), Burple (Gurple's even uglier cousin), Murple (Burple's best friend's neighbour) and Murple, the original Gobble (too ugly and unpalatable to be eaten) are now extinct. Talon has instead hired Plucky. Are you brave enough to fight him in the Battle Arena? If you are, accept his quest below and make your way to the arena for a fight! If you win, he will reward you with MP or these new Thanksgiving Prizes that will retire after December 11th.

21st November 2019
5 years, 1 month & 17 days ago
This Heatwave has brought even more pests from Enpiah to Marada!
The Basil, Decadal and Gizmo can now wear the Enpiah Costume.

It's not all doom and gloom... some residents are thriving in the warmer climate! Anagram Sam in Dukka Caves has been updated.

20th November 2019
5 years, 1 month & 18 days ago
Even more pets have given in to the Heatwave!
The Crindol, Daisy, Flab, Kidlet, Lati and Murfin are the latest pets to have the updated Shaved Costume design.

19th November 2019
5 years, 1 month & 20 days ago
The Addow, Arinya, Astro, Basil, Ercuw, Kronk, Reese and Zetlian are now wearing the updated Mummy Costume.

18th November 2019
5 years, 1 month & 20 days ago
We're now two weeks into the Heatwave and with Elfember in less than 13 days, Maradan residents are trying every thing to put an end to this hot weather.

Borak has a crazy plan but he needs your help!

He thinks that if he has enough cold and frozen items, he can create his own snow up in the clouds of Nimbus. Bring him frozen items that he asks for, such as Frozen Food, Ice Cream, etc and he will now reward you with these new BBQ Tools instead of the usual Cooking Utensils.

15th November 2019
5 years, 1 month & 23 days ago
Ten days of this Heatwave has started to get a little too much for some residents of Marada. These pets have gone to drastic measures to cool down! The Chibs, Fasoro, Hump, Justin and Kaala are the first pets to have the updated Shaved Costume design.

The Daylight Fairy has listened to the advice of both the Historian and the Earth Fairy and she believes that if any place in Marada can stop this weather it is Nimbus. She has rounded up all of the residents of Nimbus to try and find a plan. She also now has 12 new prizes for players who have up to 710 stamps in their collection.

15th November 2019
5 years, 1 month & 23 days ago
The Currency Exchange feature in Vortex Park has been updated. It has new artwork and a brand new design that will make it much easier to use. We have also updated Maramail, Alerts, Friends and Feeds with our brand new design!

The Price Checker feature has been updated. The old version was very outdated, with the check price information loading into an iframe. Although this worked well for us for many years, it's becoming more and more difficut to make this work well for everyone and limited how much information/space we could squeeze into a tiny frame. The iframes themselves took up a lot of space and it was a lot slower. The new Price Checker now loads on the page in to a floating pop up box that you can close. You can also change how you want links to open at the Shop Search page.

14th November 2019
5 years, 1 month & 24 days ago
The Earth Fairy knows every world in Marada inside out. She is a climate expert and earlier today she was quoted saying: 'Unless we act fast, this warm weather will be permanent'
The Earth Fairy has 10 new prizes for her rewards. You now earn prizes for completing all Goals.

The Osafo, Paffuto, Poera and Pucu can now wear the Leopard Costume.

13th November 2019
5 years, 1 month & 26 days ago
It's officially a week since the Heatwave hit Marada and there is no end in sight. Elfember is in less than 18 days and with the elves not making any new Toys, there is talk of having to cancel all Christmas events this year! In the meantime, the Toy Shop still has to make an income, so it is now restocking 63 different Twigs that they had in storage, waiting to be made into toys.

Players who have completed all 30 Stamps for the Games page of their album can now receive 10 new item prizes, a medal for their profile and 25,000MP.

12th November 2019
5 years, 1 month & 27 days ago
Day 6 of the Heatwave and the warmer climate has brought these new pests from Enpiah to the mainland of Marada. These creatures, native to Planet Enpiah, normally stay on their red planet where they are adapted to the warmer weather.

The Enpiah Costume was first released in March 2008 in Account Upgrades and the costume has been retired and forgotten about ever since. A new Enpiah Account Upgrade Set has been released, with 7 new Enpiah themed items, a retired Enpiah Costume and either a Enpiah Enchanted Plushie or Enpiah Potion. This set is on sale until December 22nd. You can choose if you would like the main prize to be an Enchanted Enpiah Plushie or Potion. There is 1 in 3 chance you will receive a restricted Daisy instead of Azul, Crindol, Gonk, Murfin, Renat, Tantua or Xoi.

The Azul, Crindol, Ike, Murfin, Oglue, Tantua, Ushunda and Xoi can now wear the Enpiah Costume.

All of the old Enpiah pets have been updated to match the new style.

11th November 2019
5 years, 1 month & 27 days ago
We're now in day 5 of Heat Wave and the Biala Mountain economy is starting to struggle. To adapt to the new weather, the Frozen Food Shop is now restocking 8 new Melted Frozen Food gourmet food items.

Players who have completed all 30 Stamps for the Biala Mountain page of their album can now receive 10 new item prizes, a medal for their profile and 25,000MP.

The Stamps shop in the City of Marada now has 22 new stamps on sale.

10th November 2019
5 years, 2 months & 1 day ago
Day 4 of the Heat Wave in Marada and there are still more questions than answers. Although Desert Fairy loves the heat, scientists have warned pets to stay inside if they can. To encourage this, she has new rewards for pets who have read up to 750 Books. If you really care for your pets - keep them inside and read to them!

Turns out the Kamilah Desert isn't totally coping with the extreme heat. All of the Candle Shop stock has melted.
There are 63 new Melted Candles now restocking instead.

8th November 2019
5 years, 2 months & 2 days ago
It's been 24 hours of extreme heat in Marada and there is no sign of any cooler weather any time soon. Experts have been debating what is causing this Heat Wave - Global Warming? Beelzebub? Bored, out of work Server Error Newths with a blow torch? One of the oldest residents of Ancient Simeria, the Historian has been the most vocal. In the past 2,000 years he's lived in Marada, he has never seen such heat in November...

The Historian is the newest addition to Simeria. The higher your pet's History stat is, the greater he will reward them. You will receive prizes for each of your pet's history stat levels - the higher you train, the more you are rewarded! There are currently prizes for 170 or more History Stats.

The Historian has been added to the Simeria world map and the Rewards page.
7th November 2019
5 years, 2 months & 3 days ago
Something strange is happening in Marada. It's supposed to be winter. In the 15 years we've been visiting Marada, we've never had this sort of temperature in November! It's suddenly really hot - hotter than all of summer. We haven't had heat like this since our Pool Party! We aren't sure what is going on but experts are looking into this strange phenomenon. We will keep you all updated when they have more information.

The Snowman is melting - Biala really can't cope in this heat! Obviously this means he won't be able to quest.

To help farmers out during this heat, the Account Upgrades Shop has a 2 for 1 promotion on all Fertiliser.

The Smoothies, Soft Drinks and Ice Cream Shops all have a 2 for 1 special on all items.

It's so hot in Biala that elves have stopped making Toys. Seems their stock sold out fast!

The Frozen Food Shop stock all melted. If this weather continues, he may need to rethink his business.

The Kamilah Desert is having some of the hottest temperatures on record! They're used to the heat and are coping so far.
The Sultan has had to DOUBLE the cost of his tax though, to help pay for the air conditioning bills!

7th November 2019
5 years, 2 months & 4 days ago
The Addow, Arinya, Basil, Gobble, Grint, Limax, Rusty and Tantua can now wear the Recycled Costume.

The Dentist feature in Lowlyhood has 17 new mouths avaliable for your doll - 10 mouths for the Dental Insurance Map and 7 for use with a Dentist Coupon. Dentist Coupons have been added to the Queen Eleka, Sultan and Tooth Fairy prizes. 14 of the oldest mouths have also been updated with new artwork.

6th November 2019
5 years, 2 months & 4 days ago
The Plastic Surgery feature in Enpiah has 20 new noses avaliable for your doll.

The Echlin, Gonk, Ike, Pucu, Renat, Tantua, Walee and Zoink are now wearing the updated Mummy Costume.

5th November 2019
5 years, 2 months & 5 days ago
The Artist is the newest addition to Lush Lake. The higher your pet's Art stat is, the greater she will reward them. You will receive prizes for each of your pet's art stat levels - the higher you train, the more you are rewarded! There are currently prizes for 170 or more Art Stats.

The Artist has been added to the Lush Lake world map and the Rewards page.
4th November 2019
5 years, 2 months & 6 days ago
The Cup Shuffle game has been updated with brand new artwork. There are also 6 new item prizes to be won.

There a more rewards for Gold and Silver Players. Wise Walee and Zetzilla now select 4 random pets per day instead of only one. This is one pet for bronze players or higher, one for silver or higher and two for gold players. There are also new options that may be selected every Saturday. Double Plushies at the Plushie Machine is avaliable for bronze players and higher and Double Plushies at the Enchanted Plushie Machine is avaliable for silver players and higher.
3rd November 2019
5 years, 2 months & 7 days ago
The Tableaus Temple has been updated.

The Lottery has been updated. There are 26 new Enchanted Snow Plushies and 26 new Snow Plushies that can be won as bonus prizes whenever you buy a ticket.

1st November 2019
5 years, 2 months & 10 days ago
The Transumption Temple and Transvaluation Temple have been updated.

The Crindol, Daisy, Feliz, Figaro, Newth, Paffuto, Speiro and Straya are now wearing the updated Mummy Costume.

31st October 2019
5 years, 2 months & 10 days ago
H A P P Y      H A L L O W E E N ! ! !

Happy Halloween to all of our players! We hope you enjoyed our 2019 Maraween events so far.

All Witch and Midnight pets will receive DOUBLE STATS at the Gym and Elite Gym until November 8th.

All Witch, Insideout, Gothic, Vampire, Halloween, Phantom, Mad Scientist, Nefarious, Bug, Skeleton, Ghost, Witch, Dark, Zombie, Wizard, Voodoo, Vampire, Goblin, Rotten, Midnight, Killer, Headless, Mutant, Mummy, Werewolf, Nightmare, Monster, Poison or Devil pets will receive FREE COURSES at the University until November 8th.

All Witch, Insideout, Gothic, Vampire, Halloween, Phantom, Mad Scientist, Nefarious, Bug, Skeleton, Ghost, Witch, Dark, Zombie, Wizard, Voodoo, Vampire, Goblin, Rotten, Midnight, Killer, Headless, Mutant, Mummy, Werewolf, Nightmare, Monster, Poison or Devil pets will receive FREE TRAINING at the Gym and Elite Gym until November 14th.

And all Witch, Insideout, Gothic, Vampire, Halloween, Phantom, Mad Scientist, Nefarious, Bug, Skeleton, Ghost, Witch, Dark, Zombie, Wizard, Voodoo, Vampire, Goblin, Rotten, Midnight, Killer, Headless, Mutant, Mummy, Werewolf, Nightmare, Monster, Poison or Devil pets will receive FREE LESSONS at the School until November 14th.

These new Severed Heads are now restocking in the Halloween Treats shop.

Can you find these new Halloween Hidden Avatars?

The Chibs, Flab, Leido, Murfin, Osafo, Troit, Ushunda and Yakubi are now wearing the updated Mummy Costume.

30th October 2019
5 years, 2 months & 11 days ago
The Mummy Costume is the latest costume to be revamped. The Mummy Mordo, Nino, Oglue, Quell, Rofling, Rusty, Sybri, Tasi, Viotto, Vixen, Xoi and Zoosh have been updated to match the new design.