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21st February 2007
17 years, 10 months & 27 days ago

Now than Queen Eleka has returned to her castle, a new shop has opened just outside it. Voodoo Dolls are now on sale there. Who knows what these dolls will eventually do....

19th February 2007
17 years, 10 months & 29 days ago

The mutant, zombie and prison versions of the Kidlet have been released.

This is just a quick update you let you know about Maintenance we are currently having. For the past week, our new servers were being set up and installed. It will be another 1-3 days and then the site will have up to 24 hours of downtime. It could just be 4-6 hours, but we are allowing up to 24 hours for the site to be closed. This is to ensure it is tested and working properly. This maintenance will be very successful for us to put an end to the lag we have been experiencing recently and will allow for the war to start right away. It was delayed by two weeks because we were worried that the site would be totally unplayable with the large numbers of people that will be taking part. We will give you more news about the maintenance as soon as we have any.

The mutant, zombie and prison Lati are also now avaliable.
18th February 2007
17 years, 11 months & 1 day ago

  • The Lottery has been drawn for this week. yingwangx24 is the winner of the 487,400MP Jackpot with the winning numbers of 6, 7, 2, 13, 20 and 17! Congratulations!

  • Last Week's Raffle has now ended. LamyLove is the winner of the Red DNA and 100,000MP prize with the winning raffle ticket number 12329! Congratulations! Make sure you buy your tickets for today's raffle - only 10MP per ticket!
15th February 2007
17 years, 11 months & 3 days ago

The February Account Upgrades have now been released. They are Love themed, just a few days late for Valentines - sorry! They are now avaliable at the Account Upgrades page. Here are some of the rewards:
There is a new Mini Pet, theValentine and a new Valentines Day DVD, a Love Music CD and a Valentine Book to entertain your pets and give them sweet dreams.

There are new male and female Love clothes for you to dress up your character in!

There are also 3 new pets that can be costumed Love including Marada's newest edition, the the Lati
11th February 2007
17 years, 11 months & 8 days ago

  • The Lottery has been drawn for this week. daltonlee is the winner of the 476,900MP Jackpot with the winning numbers of 10, 4, 7, 22, 11 and 17! Congratulations!

  • Last Week's Raffle has now ended. chocolatelover6 is the winner of the Red DNA and 100,000MP prize with the winning raffle ticket number 12880! Congratulations! Make sure you buy your tickets for today's raffle - only 10MP per ticket!
9th February 2007
17 years, 11 months & 9 days ago

This is the new limited edition pet, which will be avaliable within the next few days! The Lati is the 39th marapet species to be discovered!

There is a new minipet, named Jacko which is now restocking.
9th February 2007
17 years, 11 months & 9 days ago

We have a brand new Flash Game for you to play. Phanty Quest has been added to the Strategy category of the games section. We are also going through a major recode on all of our games fixing all of the known bugs on them and increasing the loading times for all games. We will let you know as soon as its been completed.

The Kidlet is now avaliable in more colours!

6th February 2007
17 years, 11 months & 12 days ago

We have a brand new, non-limited edition pet for you to create. The Kidlet is the 38th marapet species to be discovered! You can now create a new Kidlet in blue, red, green or yellow.

The Frozen Foods shop is now stocking lots of new frozen foods. The old frozen food has also been redrawn, so they all match the same style now!
5th February 2007
17 years, 11 months & 13 days ago

We have a brand new Flash Game for you to play. Rofling Stamper has been added to the Arcade category of the games section.

This is how the new Fairy Addow looks..
4th February 2007
17 years, 11 months & 15 days ago

  • The Lottery has been drawn for this week. animallover15 is the winner of the 522,000MP Jackpot with the winning numbers of 2, 15, 4, 6, 8 and 25! Congratulations!

  • Last Week's Raffle has now ended. GryphonMayfair is the winner of the Red DNA and 100,000MP prize with the winning raffle ticket number 33562! Congratulations! Make sure you buy your tickets for today's raffle - only 10MP per ticket!
1st February 2007
17 years, 11 months & 17 days ago

The January Account Upgrades have now been released. They are following a War theme and are now avaliable at the account upgrades page. We know we are exactly a month late, but we wanted to release them anyway. There will be new ones for February out in a week or two. Here are some of the rewards:
There is a new Eleka Costume and four pets are already avaliable in this colour!

There are also male and female War Clothes for you to dress up your character in!

As the war is on its way, there is a new Eleka Wand and Shield..

A new stamp and book are also part of the upgrade.
30th January 2007
17 years, 11 months & 19 days ago

The most requested thing of the whole of 2006 has just been released! The Female Shoes has just opened in Puchalla Village. There are currently 13 pairs of shoes avaliable and 12 of these are restocking now!

The Seasonal Pearl has also been retired and replaced at the Account Upgrades page with this pair of Female Suede Boots.
29th January 2007
17 years, 11 months & 20 days ago

Minipet Island Land War - Part 3

The King is dead! Long live the new King!

We regret to inform you that our beloved King, the renowned Baspinar XII has perished. The castle was in mourning last night after genetic testing was completed by the Enpiah DNA laboratory proving that the remains that people have been fishing out of the Maradan river did in fact belong to our missing King Baspinar XII and not his great great multi-great grandfather Baspinar I as was formerly believed.

News has reached us that the new King, Baspinar XIII was immediately crowned during the night in an emergency ceremony at the castle. Not wanting to delay in these worrying times the normal public ceremonies and celebrations were set aside in order that Marada should once again have a King to protect us. As I'm sure every Maradan is aware, Baspinar XIII is the (rather unfortunately uglier) identical twin brother of our former handsome king the late Baspinar XII. Born just nineteen seconds later than his brother, he was natuarally next in line for the throne.

A proclamation has been issued this morning from our new King:

My fellow Maradans, I bring to you this morning the sad news of my brother's death. He is believed to have met his end at the hands of evil minions of the false Queen Eleka. This dreadful witch is sure to bring nothing but harm to our peaceful kingdom, and we do not recognise any claim by her to the Southern lands!

The question now remains as to what shall be done about this threat to Marada. As I believe in modern methods, and fairness for all our subjects, I have decided that the question of action against this traitorous interloper should be handled by the Maradan parliament rather than by myself. All Maradans are therefore called immediately to vote at the castle in a special referendum on the subject of war!

You can now vote in the Election inside the castle for what should happen next.
28th January 2007
17 years, 11 months & 21 days ago

There is a new Editorial for you to read.

We have started to send out the Email Newsletter. Please note that the vault will be activated in a few days, when most emails have been sent out so that its fair to everyone.
28th January 2007
17 years, 11 months & 22 days ago

  • The Lottery has been drawn for this week. oxchelsiexo is the winner of the 378,400MP Jackpot with the winning numbers of 5, 4, 13, 7, 2 and 8! Congratulations!

  • Last Week's Raffle has now ended. RachelBachel is the winner of the Red DNA and 100,000MP prize with the winning raffle ticket number 27237! Congratulations! Make sure you buy your tickets for today's raffle - only 10MP per ticket!
26th January 2007
17 years, 11 months & 23 days ago

MaraUploads have now been fixed, allowing you to login and out, upload and delete your images and we have also now re-released MaraUpload Upgrades. They have been down for several months and are now fully automatic, with you buying them with your Account Upgrade credit.

Can you find this well hidden Emo Avatar?
26th January 2007
17 years, 11 months & 24 days ago

You can now complete the Christmas Treasure Map at the new Ice Caves in Biala! These caves can then be visited for free once every 18 hours by one of your pets. You can gain magic stats, MP and your pet can also be fully healed!

The Biala map has been updated with the new ice caves.

Just a reminder that the Seasonal Pearl will be retiring this weekend.

We have some new Azul Photos for you album.
24th January 2007
17 years, 11 months & 25 days ago

With Queen Eleka's return and the strange disappearance of King Baspinar, it was possible for Queen Eleka's Castle to reopen. Its really deserted right now, but as the Queen gets more settled, I'm sure more will be happening there...

We would like to thank everyone for their patience over the past couple of weeks while we completed very important Site Maintenance. The majority of the maintenance has been completed, so we shouldn't have any major downtime or errors again for a while. We hope you can now notice the improvements around the site, in terms of speed and bugs being fixed.

As the Plot/War event will begin soon, we thought it was time to release the new Layout for the whole event. The event is scheduled to last until the end of March - beginning of April and the war will involve new quests, restocking and of course, the new Battle Arena that will be out soon.

There will be another Email Newsletter sent over the next few weeks to let everyone know about the plot. Each newsletter will have a special code where you can collect free Account Upgrade credit and MP from the Vault!
23rd January 2007
17 years, 11 months & 26 days ago

Minipet Island Land War - Part 2

Breaking news! The day we've all been hoping will never come is here.... Queen Eleka has returned with this messsage...

I, Queen Eleka, have returned and thus proclaim myself the only and supreme ruler of all Maradan Lands South of the River, including Minipet Island and Jenoa. These lands, which have been righfully mine since time began were falsly claimed by the tyrant Baspinar I who despicably placed me under a spell of Banishment so he could steal my realm and my property!

I am disgusted to see what has become of my formerly proud realm, and shall shortly be bringing the Dark Side of Marada back to it's former glory. Too long has it been forgotten about and reviled! This must change!

I demand that all 'light' Marapets vacate my territory immediately! Especially Angel Murfins. Ugh! I will not tolerate goodness and light where I might accidentally see it.

Dark marapets are to prepare to report to my castle in order to serve their Queen. Together we will build an empire that will outdo any that has come before. We will bring Marada into a new age! So powerful and great that our enemies will quake before us like the snivelling worms that they are! Prepare, Marada, for our glorious future!

As all Maradans are aware, the search for our King, Basinar XII continues. Maradan police report that they are following up all leads but as yet have no definite information as to his whereabouts. A statement was issued this afternoon that they are looking into rumours of a diamond trade that occured yesterday. It is alleged that several distinctive diamonds which may have been the famed 'Baspinar Diamonds' (originally imported from far away lands and set into the royal crown 400 years ago by the late King Baspinar IX) were noticed passing through the trades.

We would also advise that everyone be particulary watchful of their marapets at this worrying time. Reports are coming in of many strange disapearances in the area south of Dukka Caves. Several angel murfins have been reported missing with no trace, and also one burnt chibs (though we think that one may be a hoax and now in hiding after it changed into a yellow xoi during a small accident with the portal)

Finally we must ask that all Maradans now help us in a vitally important task - we need YOUR help in searching for the King. Search your marahomes, look around you as you travel... The King must be found, and with every Maradan working together we cannot fail to succeed!

21st January 2007
17 years, 11 months & 29 days ago

  • The Lottery has been drawn for this week. z00ofLove is the winner of the 322,100MP Jackpot with the winning numbers of 14, 8, 18, 19, 24 and 20! Congratulations!

  • Last Week's Raffle has now ended. KimberlyDonnelly2133 is the winner of the Red DNA and 100,000MP prize with the winning raffle ticket number 5625! Congratulations! Make sure you buy your tickets for today's raffle - only 10MP per ticket!

We have now fixed every broken Avatar except for Uploads and Journals, because those are not on this website and are being done later. We have decided that we will not be bringing back the Marapets Email service and have therefore decided to change the @ Avatar to something different. We have also released all three of the email upgrade items in the Limited Edition Account Upgrades Items page. You can now buy those for a limited time. Please note that the Seasonal Pearl will be retiring for good from next week.

The Trades are now back! Sorry that they were down for so long, but they have been totally changed to run much faster. Thanks to account upgraders, we have bought a new server for the Trades system and I've spent two days recoding the trades to work better. The old scripts were not good enough for the amount of players online and the amount of use trades get, with trades sometimes taking as long as 8 seconds to load and 59 seconds to search. This has been totally changed, and you shouldn't see any part of trades take more than 1 second to load, unless the whole site is experiencing problems.

There is also a Trade Refunds link at trades for you to get back your mp, rp and bp you had offered on people's trades before trades were closed.
17th January 2007
18 years & 1 day ago

We would like to give you a quick update with our Maintenance so far. We have completed a whole site recode, which means that we were able to fix every known glitch, error and bug around the site. All we have left to fix now is Promote Marapets, Trades and broken Avatars. There is still the ongoing problem of sudden Server Errors randomly occuring and shutting off the whole site for a few seconds. We are well aware of it, and its nothing to do with any glitches around the site or slow servers. We have found out what is causing it and its currently being worked on so that the problem will be gone in a couple of days. We have also fixed one of our Image Servers which had been broken for nearly 2 weeks, and have also added another new image server, so images should be running a lot more instantly. Marasites, MaraUploads and MaraJournals will be getting extensive work very shortly, but we're first trying to get the whole of Marapets working as it should. We'd liek to thank you for your patience over the past 2 weeks, but as you should notice already, every part of the site that is open is working perfectly - just in time for our War.

A brand new Flash Game has been released in the Strategy Games section. You can play Hexxagon now!

Fresh from the circus, these two Clown pets have just been released.
16th January 2007
18 years & 2 days ago

  • The Lottery has been drawn for this week. Sami11307 is the winner of the 336,000MP Jackpot with the winning numbers of 10, 16, 13, 14, 12 and 17! Congratulations!

  • Last Week's Raffle has now ended. gators1108 is the winner of the Red DNA and 100,000MP prize with the winning raffle ticket number 11260! Congratulations! Make sure you buy your tickets for today's raffle - only 10MP per ticket!
11th January 2007
18 years & 7 days ago

Site Maintenance
We'd like to thank you all for your patience while the site went down for maintenance. The downtime was actually longer than planned because it was more successful than we had hoped, allowing us to get more done while the site was down. The site has now moved to its new network, which you should by the end of the week notice has helped to improve the site's reliability. Its still not 100% complete because we're still testing and monitoring results and recoding to keep improving performance. Our network sites, like MaraUploads will not be on the new network yet, so if you change your password it will not change on these sites. These will be updated soon though. If you find any errors or glitches that are new, please report them right away.

The Forums have been updated too. We hope you like their new design!

Here is the new Plushie Ercuw!