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8th April 2007
17 years, 9 months & 13 days ago

  • The Lottery has been drawn for this week. wolf0 is the winner of the 476,100MP Jackpot with the winning numbers of 16, 11, 25, 21, 13 and 7! Congratulations!

  • Last Week's Raffle has now ended. sexiipolar is the winner of the Red DNA and 100,000MP prize with the winning raffle ticket number 15499! Congratulations! Make sure you buy your tickets for today's raffle - only 10MP per ticket!
2nd April 2007
17 years, 9 months & 18 days ago

Queen Eleka and King Baspinars first child has been born! Introducing... Princess Laimay III

But as its not April Fools Day anymore, we can actually tell you that this is the 40th Marapet and is non-limited edition, so you can go and create one now! This is actually a Crindol. The war is still on and there will be more war related news soon!
1st April 2007
17 years, 9 months & 19 days ago

Minipet Island Land War - Part 4

Happy News!

We bring good news today, on a rather unexpected outcome to a secret peace conference that has being occuring to discuss the war. During their attendance at the conference, it is rumoured that King Baspinar XIII and Queen Eleka had been conducting private talks on the future of Maradas ecology in respect to the large number of Muskits and Swondors that have been killed as a result of the war.

It was announced today that during these talks the two rivals fell in love and were married in a secret ceremony several days ago! We also bring you the happy news that Queen Eleka is already expecting their heir to the throne. The happy couple have revealed that they intend to name their first-born Princess Laimay III (we just hope that it turns out to be a girl!) The Laimay will be our 40th species of Marapet, and will be the rarest of all the limited edition pets. We are not quite sure when it will arrive, as Eleka has declined to comment on the due date.

Obviously, the ongoing war is now cancelled, but there will still be plenty of changes happening to the site as Elekas castle is to be immadiately vacated, and work is commencing on Baspinars Castle to "bring it out of the dark ages and make it fit to live in" as Eleka tactfully puts it. War points will soon also be spendable in a new nursery shop that is opening soon.

1st April 2007
17 years, 9 months & 20 days ago

  • The Lottery has been drawn for this week. soccerplaya4lyfe is the winner of the 380,700MP Jackpot with the winning numbers of 17, 22, 12, 14, 9 and 3! Congratulations!

  • Last Week's Raffle has now ended. tanlenus is the winner of the Red DNA and 100,000MP prize with the winning raffle ticket number 21729! Congratulations! Make sure you buy your tickets for today's raffle - only 10MP per ticket!
25th March 2007
17 years, 9 months & 26 days ago

The War is on! Queen Eleka foolishly thought she could win just by shutting her shops to the light side, but as that didnt work, shes sent 100,000 Swondors to attack the light side! The King has responded, sending 100,000 of his Muskit troops to fight the dark side! You can go to the Battle Arena now to fight for your side. You will gain War Points for each battle, which is a random amount between 1 and the difficulty of the opponent. There will be lots more opponents in the war, with more on the way this week.

The Restocking stage of the war is now over.

There are lots more items in the War Redemption Shop and even more items will be added over the next two weeks - including some more real prizes! Remember there is limited numbers of each one, and there is no guarentee it will restock again!
25th March 2007
17 years, 9 months & 27 days ago

  • The Lottery has been drawn for this week. luv1another is the winner of the 436,800MP Jackpot with the winning numbers of 2, 9, 11, 21, 22 and 15! Congratulations!

  • Last Week's Raffle has now ended. amphoria is the winner of the Red DNA and 100,000MP prize with the winning raffle ticket number 13238! Congratulations! Make sure you buy your tickets for today's raffle - only 10MP per ticket!
24th March 2007
17 years, 9 months & 27 days ago

There have been a few problems over the last few days all related to the new Maramail server maintenance. It was stopping Auctions from processing and Account Upgrades from being automatic. These problems have both been fixed now and we would like to apologise to anyone who has bought credit over the past few days and not received it. Buying credit now should work, but for those missing credit, if you have already emailed we will have it fixed within the next 24 hours. If you have not emailed us yet, please do so and then we can get it processed within 24 hours for you emailing us. It would of been fixed right after you emailed us, but we could not while the Maramail server was still broken. We have delayed the Retiring of the account upgrade items for another week to allow those who did not get their credit in time a chance to now.

The Queen randomly decided today to allow the Light Side to shop in her shops. The King also did the same for the Dark Side. Little does the King know, that Queen Eleka will attack tomorrow.... be prepared for the battling stage tomorrow! The Mini Pet Island shops have also reopen.
18th March 2007
17 years, 10 months & 3 days ago

  • The Lottery has been drawn for this week. celtic3 is the winner of the 637,600MP Jackpot with the winning numbers of 4, 5, 9, 11, 16 and 19! Congratulations!

  • Last Week's Raffle has now ended. Aingel is the winner of the Red DNA and 100,000MP prize with the winning raffle ticket number 33205! Congratulations! Make sure you buy your tickets for today's raffle - only 10MP per ticket!
17th March 2007
17 years, 10 months & 3 days ago

With the light side shops closed for all of the dark siders, the ongoing war is causing huge economic problems for the dark side, which relies on many of the goods on sale in places such as the City and the food grown in Gigantic Paradise. To help give her minions the goods they need to fight this war, Queen Eleka is giving out quests for items that are sold in the light side. If you bring them to her, she will reward you with War Points. If the dark side is to win this war and capture Mini Pet Island, we need YOUR help!

These two new Avatars will only be avaliable during the war.
17th March 2007
17 years, 10 months & 3 days ago

WAR - Stage 2
With the dark sides shops closed for all of the light siders, the ongoing war is causing huge economic problems for the light side, which relies on many of the goods on sale in places such as Ziranek and the goods smuggled from the Dukka Caves. To help give his troops the goods they need to fight this war, King Baspinar is giving out quests for items that are sold in the dark side. If you bring them to him, he will reward you with War Points. If the light side is to win this war and save Mini Pet Island, we need YOUR help! If you are on the Light Side you can visit King Baspinar now!

With the King now giving out quests, he has decided to open the castle 24 hours a day. This means that the Troll can no longer have any guests visiting while the castle is open - you will have to wait for the war to finish!
17th March 2007
17 years, 10 months & 3 days ago

The latest map to get a revamp is Ziranek! We hope you like the changes as much as we do - Ziranek was another map that had not been redrawn since it was first released.

Three new Avatars have just been released. Remember that a lot of Account Upgrade items will be retiring very soon!
16th March 2007
17 years, 10 months & 4 days ago

There were a few problems with the War yesterday which have now been fixed. War points were not being registered for lots of people when we first started. This took a long time to fix (and just caused us some downtime), but by using our restock logs, we have calculated how many points you missed out on and have just rewarded them to you. Plus, Jenoa was mistakenly added to the Light side when its actually part of the Dark side of Marada.

We will be retiring lots of the Account Upgrade items we mentioned a few days ago tomorrow. You have only a few more hours to purchase them!

Stage 2 of the War will also be starting this weekend.
15th March 2007
17 years, 10 months & 5 days ago

WAR - Stage 1
With the Light Side now banned from shopping on the Dark Side, King Baspinar has noticed a few problems with his economy. To try and fix these problems, he will be awarding 2 war points for every rarity of an item that light siders restock from his shops. This means that if you restock a rarity 10 item, you will receive 20 war points.

Queen Eleka responded quickly deciding to do the exact same for the Dark Siders. She realises that she has much less shops on the dark side than the light side has, but the dark side will have the advantage on the next stage!

RESTOCKING = buying items from the main shops (not user shops) on the world maps of Marada.
14th March 2007
17 years, 10 months & 6 days ago

With the news of the War reaching Queen Eleka today, she responded by closing *EVERY* shop in the dark side of Marada from light siders! That means if you joined the light side you cannot restock in any shop on the light side of Marada! The King quickly retaliated by closing all of his shops to dark siders!
13th March 2007
17 years, 10 months & 8 days ago

With the teams almost chosen, the War Redemption Shop has open in Mini Pet Island. This new shop will be open through the whole war, allowing you to spend your war points as soon as you earn them. This shop will have limited amount of stock for each item, and they may not restock again! There will also be lots more added to the shop all of the time, including real prizes!
11th March 2007
17 years, 10 months & 9 days ago

It is finally time for our war to start. You can now click on the shields on the site layout, under the logo, and it will allow you to pick which team you want to join. You can only join one team and cannot change it once its been choosen. For the next three to four weeks, we will have our war event which will keep you all busy! It will include quests, restocking and of course, battling! You will find out more soon, but for now its time to pick your teams...

This War Avatar is also avaliable! It will retire after this event..
11th March 2007
17 years, 10 months & 10 days ago

  • The Lottery has been drawn for this week. dooge is the winner of the 775,400MP Jackpot with the winning numbers of 1, 13, 25, 3, 23 and 12! Congratulations!

  • Last Week's Raffle has now ended. kayliea is the winner of the Red DNA and 100,000MP prize with the winning raffle ticket number 23016! Congratulations! Make sure you buy your tickets for today's raffle - only 10MP per ticket!
9th March 2007
17 years, 10 months & 12 days ago

We will be retiring a lot of Account Upgrade items next week. You will not longer be able to purchase the July and August upgrades, the Ball Dress Female Costume, Tuxedo Male Costume and Christmas Treasure Map 6. This will be one the last chances for you to get a Quell, the Whirlpool Treasure map or the Certficates to rename your pet!

Can you find the Superhero Avatar?

This Sponge Equilor and this Space Zetlian are now avaliable.

These items are now restocking at the Candy Shop.
7th March 2007
17 years, 10 months & 13 days ago

We had another important upgrade to our site today, with all of our application servers receiving a lot of work. We have improved the loading times of the site by over 2,000% by optimising our php servers to full work how we need them to. We still have a lot more work happening on the site, which you will really start to notice happening soon. We are upgrading the RAM on all of our servers with 1GB or less of RAM. We have spent over $12,000 on RAM upgrades this week to make sure each server will, from Friday, have 4GB of RAM to work with. This will also help the site run a lot better, allowing us to cache a lot more data. Then from next week, all of our flash games are moving to their own network so that they can be optimised fully to load a lot quicker and to remove their lagging of our php servers. Thank you for your patience for the last few weeks, and for all of those who have purchased account upgrades, as they have helped to fund a lot of this.

SLATER PARK has received a much needed makeover. As with the server upgrades around the site, we treated Laimay to a new $250 drawing tablet for her artwork on the site. Shes had the same tablet for 3 years, since we started the site and really needed one that still worked! This map is the first piece of artwork shes used it for..
5th March 2007
17 years, 10 months & 15 days ago

We can now officially tell you the Maintenance is now complete. As far as we know, the sites upgrade was a success and we are now finished. There is still a small possibility of some more problems, but these are unlikely. We would like to thank you all for your patience over the past two weeks, you should start to see the benefits of the upgrade from now on.

The Election results are in. The Snobbish Party has won , receiving 76% of the vote. Already in power, they have decided that they will declare war on Queen Eleka. This means that the war will start within the next couple of days! Keep checking the news for more updates.
4th March 2007
17 years, 10 months & 17 days ago

  • The Lottery has been drawn for this week. jackbandit is the winner of the 289,300MP Jackpot with the winning numbers of 2, 12, 20, 22, 19 and 9! Congratulations!

  • Last Week's Raffle has now ended. theoriginalpeanut is the winner of the Red DNA and 100,000MP prize with the winning raffle ticket number 20173! Congratulations! Make sure you buy your tickets for today's raffle - only 10MP per ticket!
2nd March 2007
17 years, 10 months & 18 days ago

The site's Maintenance is almost complete. We are not expecting any more major problems over the next few days and if the site manages to stay up all weekend, it will mean that the maintenance is complete. We would like to thank you for your patience the past few weeks. The plot/war will continue once the maintenance is completed.

These two pets can now wear the Water Costume.

To improve the efficency and security of Quests, there is now a six digit code before completing them.

There are some new Addow Photos avaliable to collect.
28th February 2007
17 years, 10 months & 20 days ago

We have given Dukka Town a total revamp. This map hasn't ever been changed since it was first released a really long time ago and really needed to be redrawn. We hope you like the new map, it gives us a lot more room for new places!

There is a new Millionaire Gonk and Feliz!

New Gummy Xoi & Renat items are restocking in the candy store!
25th February 2007
17 years, 10 months & 23 days ago

Thank you all for your patience while we were performing important Maintenance. We experienced a lot of problems when our new system went into production and it has taken us all weekend to fix. We are not certain that all problems are fixed, but there is a team of experts all working with me on the work and at least one of us is avaliable 24/7 so any new problems that do appear should be fixed as quickly as we can. It will most likely take until the end of the week for us to get everything finished.

This Huthiq likes it's gothic new look!

We have hidden a Mommi Avatar for you to find and also released the default Lati avatar.

Five new Voodoo Dolls are restocking too...
25th February 2007
17 years, 10 months & 24 days ago

  • The Lottery has been drawn for this week. olivia223 is the winner of the 390,000MP Jackpot with the winning numbers of 5, 2, 7, 6, 9 and 8! Congratulations!

  • Last Week's Raffle has now ended. auntieappletard is the winner of the Red DNA and 100,000MP prize with the winning raffle ticket number 23544! Congratulations! Make sure you buy your tickets for today's raffle - only 10MP per ticket!