Beneath the cursed halls of Eleka’s Castle lies a
Labyrinth of twisting corridors, ancient traps, and forgotten magic. To gain entry, you must first complete the
Labyrinth Treasure Map. But even those who step inside will find that progress is far from certain. Once inside you will need
Corrupt Codes or
Charms or
Magnets or
Hostage Ransoms or
Venom or
Voodoo Dolls to move one of three paths:
Safe cautious step or two, forward or back, with the highest success rate
Risky with lower odds, offering a chance to leap multiple levels
Chaos unpredictable, high-risk, high-reward choice
If your chosen move is successful, you will move to that level and win items, currency, pet stats or
Account Upgrade Credit, shown on the
Prize List.
However, if you fail, you will be attacked by a
Wild Minipet and remain on your current level.
There is no time limit for completing the Labyrinth, but you can only complete one level every
6 hours. Reach
Level 40 to add a missing item to your pet's
Spell Collection
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