I cried when I saw this, thank you so much for making me a finalist I might as well be sobbing. So thank you so much you don't even know how much being a finalist makes me happy. Anyways, let me get to the questions!!
a) If I had Candle, I would not to anything to her besides make her my favorite pet. Keep her sitting pretty, make some graphics about her, and cry some more. She would never leave my account.
b) If I could add a new feature to marapets, I would make an automatic thing where if you get banned your pets go automatically to the pound because I get so mad when people waste a good name and get banned! ):
c) The greatest, most life changing moment in my life was when I decided to make friends with this one girl at school. I can't really get into details, but she's inspired me soooo much and shes amazing.
Thank you for making me a finalist, it means so much to my small, dull life. I really do love Candle. Happy Holidays, and good luck choosing a great owner for your sweet pet, you're so lucky to have her c: