Graphics? Hehehe, no, but that'd be funny to see XD I think he's working on new features and stuff, and she's working on the art for it. I'm more of a casual artist who helps here and there. Even I don't know what they're doing, but that's mostly because when I'm talking to Ian or Lizzy one-on-one, we're just messing around or talking about our day. When we get in a group that, that's when we really get down to business. But I haven't seen much of Lizzy or Ian lately, so I'm kinda outta the loop.
Yesterday was a good day though, aside from the forums going down. After six months, I finally got paid XD And now I just gotta wait for the money to transfer from my Paypal to my bank account, and watch it disappear into places unknown as I give it all to my mom to cover rent and little debts. She's been bugging me about it pretty much ever since he first hired me, so it's been a reeaally annoying and tiring six months.
And, hooray! Let's hope we stay online steady for a while. I was in the middle of hoarding 1MP junk when stuff started getting weird.