Hi there my name is Candy. I've started over with my pets 9 months ago and I've been working so hard to get the pets that I have today and my next goal is to save up to turn Memoriam into an angel chibs. I know it's a lot of money and a few years ago I would have probably dismissed this goal as impossible, but now I am determined to get my dream pet. Any mp will be appreciated for this fund. I've even thought up of ways to send Christmas presents to my friends without spending my hard earned mp. I know this might sound a bit stingy, but a lot of the mp is donated and I'm sure people wouldn't appreciate me spending donations for my fund on others. So you see I am a good mp saver. Any money donated will go straight into my bank and cannot be touched until I reach 28mil. I hope you think that this is a worthy enough cause for your money and thank you for your kindness and generosity towards the Marapets community <3