I love chocolate cake
Hey there. Im Alex(:
I've been on mara for 4 years now, on lots of old accounts. I made this account on July 2nd, 2009. I don't have a lot of time to app, which sucks. Anyways i spend all my time in RC, or RS to earn mp for my dream pet fund, to turn England into an angel chibs. I have 2 million in that fund so far.. I kind of suck at earning mp, as i keep buying gifts for friends.
My biggest accomplishment is my gallery and my goal right now to potioning England.
why do i want Trystian you ask? well to be honest, I am going to trade. I would be happy with any of the pets you are giving, but Trystian just had a certain quality pulling me in. I dont even know. So here I am apping. I will trade, I am trying to help my friend get a rofling, and also at the same time, make my pets better, and more advanced. Trystian can help me get there.
Thank you for this opportunity! Good luck all!
<3 Alex