Mark Pwns <3333
Hey, I???m Shortie and I???m apping for your pet tweetyozziebird because I spotted you were giving her away and I thought I just had to have her. Firstly I will tell you a little about me, so I don???t seem such a stranger =P. Again I???m Shortie and my best pet is MissPurfect and always will be, but tweetyozziebird will be second. MissPurfect is my best pet because she was my first and I love her so much, she has many DVD???s and I???m training her to be a mission pet. I make Graphics! I have a brilliant Club!
It???s great to see members like you in a good mood and especially giving le???s away!
tweetyozziebird will be treated like royalty in my family, and I will not trade.Whenever she gets sad, I will make her happy but I will try and make sure she doesn???t get sad in the first place. I have many rare minipets so I will give her some! I will never portal her because I know there is a risk of him being changed into a non-le. I also won???t do what my sister did which is let my le???s play with enchanted plushies and turn them into orange addows (strange lol).
I may in the future get a better costume when I get rich so it can be the best pet by miles! I can make a graphic about her but that???s only if you want me too. I suck really bad at stories and poems and if I did a story it would drag on forever and end with and they all lived happily every after- and tweetyozziebird would if she came too live with me! Here???s an attempt of a poem;
Oh tweetyozziebird you are so cool
You really would make me dribble
I really can???t think of the rest
And I hope you choose the very best (owner)
So Yeah, that???s about it though I could write much much more, (If you want) But I think I will try too slow my hands down and try and calm down, because I am exited about this wonderful opportunity to own such a lovely pet.Well I just love her, I can???t really say more than that, she will get a good home! I love all my LE???s and MissPurfect to bits and tweetyozziebird will be loved sooo much. Once my MissPurfect is a mission pet I will try and make tweetyozziebird my wonderful and powerful battle pet.
Yes, I do have big plans for Mara. But I will achieve them???.one day. But till then tweetyozziebird will stay with me and play around with me in Mara.
You will have many other apps to read so bye.