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[center]THANK YOUS[/center]


[br]Peebs-for the wonderful Siggy



[br]csimiami- cross necklace

[br]AngelFasoro321- Angel Poera Potion

[br]butterflievk-4 many roses

[br]Tannybum-Enchanted Angel Azul

[br]angelfalls58-cross necklace

[br]aimee23331-cross necklace, flowers and plushies

[br]kittyvn-cross necklace and plushies

[br]midnightsunrise-helping me get 2 love cossies

[br]hunnie-Cross Necklace

[br]FasoroGirl00-roses and 3 cross necklaces

[br]Ashleye233-roses and 5 cross necklaces

[br]bhavs95iscool-roses, hoop earings, cross necklace

[br]badtama-purple DNA

[br]c10101c-roses and cross necklace


[br][center]Please read my shop blog for donating purple roses in memory of my son[/center]



[br]My hubby and I share computers. I help my sister alot on this site, I send her items and I go on her computer and she goes on mine. So please dont freeze us. If Staff needs to know their names, please mail me as some people think it is ok to go to a persons profile and use the names on here to pester their friends!


[br]Made it in the editorials January 28, 2007. Check it out!
  1. For my Son
    13th Dec 2007 19:48
    17 years & 13 days ago
  2. For my Son
    19th Oct 2007 16:35
    17 years, 2 months & 6 days ago
    21st Jul 2007 08:20
    17 years, 5 months & 8 days ago
    6th May 2007 15:27
    17 years, 7 months & 22 days ago
17 years, 7 months & 22 days ago
6th May 2007 15:27

bhavs95iscool, Nevara, BELLAMIA, Uncle106, baltsportsfan, cutiepie12345678977, Renee08, cailin800800, fluffynkacy, Anthony1977, xchitax, atsirk89, marge99, booksrock, MCR123, luoss251495, animaluvver, nicki12345670111, xxlauralixx, stitchy12, pinkfrog876, pinkypie456, fayeraye, trinhlam10, stitchy12, dedication, dolphinblue, daddysgirl878, bubbles250, winxgirl5, kateed, johnnybgoode, sonyabgoode, fikoen1, thelolprincess, chibichibimoon13, marapetsnutter, discofreestyle, kittenbabe06, mandycandy5, khaire, plushiesrule1, cubengirl12, missdarkemo, daisy06, babe211, nelly510, kreno, PetzGurl, ixney11, winterrocky, catsrule12345, charliissocool, volley6, c10101c, misskristi, sam1232015, Rokka, nEo4lyf, lilylicious, Tara1993, CreativeChick, flower562, crazyforfelineferret, alphabetsoup013, FlyTrap001, dreamdol, Ashleye233, callalilyrocks, Moonlight6, LilPr1ncess4, soccerplaya4lyfe, German27, hotmommy9903sHubby, Tepengoe, Alljas, maralover12321, sombermoonlight, oLEVIATHANo, paineciera, flower562, aman2002, ramones, butterflybabe722, aimee23331, nelly510, ILoveYouTo1, efron1, vexxfalcon, MiaOfLight, kaitiebug94, southernsweetie88, CasanovaBlack, trinhlam10, furneth, frozenice1, elizatess, volley6, hpbrainiacunfrozen, Noname391, twilightgem, madmat5356, mclyee, roane, IWillAlwaysLuvYou, snbauer, chibichibimoon13, XxXDANGERXxX, jazzyfrog7, imimek, mrcrazytaco, blacktiger550, Snickers940, funkeymonkey13, Lizelda, MCR123, Ghille, marapetsindc222, crowfeatherrocks, Renee08, starmix, prahamya, ghgfhd, lucky89978, robiki95, AngelHeart15, masri5, jazziegirl58, sunidelite, SweetyPie1133, senelrad, dragonfly3189, Facetious, sugargoodhealthybad, barrelburrner01, hi2468, newkid98, Frogprincess597, wellingtongirl488, LenaSaturn, Plumaria, butterflydreams01, pokemaster1012, TabascoGirl, misoramen, iluvchibs4ever, LiLhOtTy09, ultimagirl, gangstagoddess, Zhamm, hotbox96, weewee2000, stargirl2006, sapphiremejia, DogprincessMissy, Ushunda54, hotbox96, harleyrocks101134, barflyz92, chip30, clau, pliggles, CalvinHobbesluver, BillyHairGlory, sakuragrl, diamondgirl13, stargirl2006, productor, THEGREATNUT, suicune244, floppyjoe10, disneygurl12, meghan1, Poochle, MrPeaboddis, BadgerGirl, barrelburrner01, kat3215, xlionxspiritx, sunshinelollipop, bluesnow24, wagawaga, lexy0203, Sulkette, Entice, marapetgirlz, bbluemoonn, daleksec77, slmoore, Chibs12133435, tielin, redsoxfan95, ktilemen, leginnigel, fire, watermelonpenguin, beatlesfan123, conner1234561016, Abigail96, massie2552, taffysmygirl, GodOfOdin, stardragon95, bookworm763, TanukiChan, Juliie, charmander938, leah971, puppypaw94590, kitkitkitkitty101, DivaRock, josh5740, heather155, setayesh13, katy101, fancyface23, PartyGirl0123, peaterpeter, popcorn102, kat112112, jessie97, buttface102, crazyangellady, queennalla95, alyse3407, babbicus, Mysty922, sonic2120, funkychick222, emily111897, babigurl594, harleyrocks101134, woobie24, sweetcherieblossom, IceCold88, Rokka, littlemissstubborn, Jazz1415, xxxsineadhaydenxxx, LatiChibsLover, volley6, oOdarksabreOo, Spontaneous, pupster7777, Newt1, chikinchops, Piper1273, philsgirl27, arni, misoramen, kezwaz, vbear, libbylouwho, Nightmaria, hulabazoo82, TrishaMarie, ilikeit, ipodhotty13, IZIP, Sourgrape, court321, thekoolgurl, lucyye1015, Cutekitten222, sc492, SuperGirl10000, lakingreene, madg, solitare, crushier, hotgirl7, asada981, MiyuMiyu, Linda5, picies45, megahottie1, h302, lemontree44, daddylilgirl911, cox12345, Kym9678, sparklebuny70, punkin61, purplepuddycat, tigger68au, keri2422, dstar, Luvmeluvr, soadpogogirl, drumtrum, Spontaneous, thekoolgurl, crazyfan4spongebob, Angelz007, suriel, runningdoe, Kathychillin, SilentFate, Desi8888, liptontealover, lenart1995, queenofandy, adamsta412, suriel, mysticaddiction, AngieCamil, MaraGirlHannah, HendyLove04, KatieS26, lillydivine, T0PH, Sweeterthanyouthink, hottie667, thekoolgurl, angel78022, Javahna, polentadogpuppy, amanes, sakurasyaorandaidouj, cjm309280, Relized, SecertFlame, petgirl287, sasaki32123, sasaki32123, sweetappletart, Cometstorm, stormycat5595, starryness, jeremy69, arjohnson93, Brutally, angelfromlove, Matty121, asdfghjkLOVE, CelinexX, gcgurl2256, bunniemobob, kamy980, princessjessy222, coolfool76, chibsplushielover, sissy192837465, ella854, lynpadre, Nicu23, borderterrierluver, hawaiian~pearl, jinxjinxkitty3, madmat5356, chokybuttons, yvonne915, oceanangel1112, suprswimr1995, greenmaplecat, apple82, softball44, queso, cuttiebabe, prettymaxinne, prissymissymurphy, makeovergurl, weemcfly, rosabellethefirst, ferretzrul, littletree06, Inishtrahull, xotori94ox, Ian72, copperhead123, richdude852, pinkbekcam, babygrllol, karence, bialy, Tania, k1n2b3, Blondae, richdude852, emilyrobynhorrigan, FallenHope, Tussy, zzkinnardzz, Jhennya, tinkzie, sdyngly, rougethebat13, frubalub10, deadgirl, KyLera, wildkatsbrat, Truthman, juliomayn, LittleEvilKittyCat, h302, Quotient, webster0585, nyotawatua, Ziwhtam, Lenart95, fluffpoodle, courtnort12, Mm566, kazual, hockeygirl8492, Elepo, Super474747, no1coolgarl, richdude852, daddygurl93, happinessrules, iluvmarapets22, CASTLEVANIADRACULA, gabby119, mybestfriendkate, Spontaneous, icewolf12, bazsprincess2, hbbng, nitewalker, beardedcheese1, khajal10, hunterbunt200, dp1997, ponysRcool, Imahottie247, Typhlosion1, aphroditethefirst, nitewalker, ponysRcool, Wintzer, Nintendogsrules, maramararoo, nitewalker, Macbacon, Amywins, my24, lisa1964, lilsoccerqt, anitalee, richgirl51, djrobbins, dragonbabe44, kathynwolf, iammom, sashenka, Wingas, Sparmy, hibut, essmac8, essmac8, timconway, varukasalt, pela, dancingalone, ilovemh, lisaprints, jabeauty, hilaryduffrocks123, Storm3770, and PrincessTia2001, cheesepie02, IRZanadu, nicaameri, jade9871, zoyce101, penguinskittyspuppys, laylashahin, cherrycoke01, Sandshrew, fluufydragonofwonder, vickey27707, devongirl, Kleanda, bowmanad1995, cavaka, Pinky456, wigglegirl, mcmonkeys15, dp1997, ChocolateChipMuffen, yodha, ZacEfronLuver578, JumbleSale, Jessiecow, brett576, aaynd, rhondalc, TheWan, MarriedMelly, InvaderZimsLuv, Crazybrennet28, map890, PrincessJox, LADYINRED101, casconsmom, limtiedt2o, jbla96, lukang99, cherrycokepoohbear, loonalove, greengloss06, Squirrellovers, zoe83156, piggyprincess, Spontaneous, JasperGeod, herbgurl21, tvampyer, WeeHollyGem, Queenster09, bel234, happypiggle, nessa101941, xxxlexx, pwincesssammie, makeovergurl4, littlem4, Gemabrown, Chicky717, Sweeterthanyouthink, YorkieLuv93, runningheart14, tazzie22, kena, MaraPixie, Adoration, lanie768, iluvcapsicums, dagirlnextdoor, Jamie_c55, kandy101011, Duzgal, SEXYBILLY94, kdlddafjdfjaj, tonaritotoro, Clexo, bhawana24, Roselegend, lizzbuggy, omg2taylor, NancyDrewGirl123, babyface4u, lisabobisa, xSilverwing, SandyII, rockymtangel, devilgirl1263, hadis100, skit, Alexisdougherty, simonesi12345678910, Siillii, zoe83156, DEJJA49, chay2k7, hellokittyandeeyore, Tickie, crawfordshay2013, hammie9, oOlightsabreOo, ercruwlover543, X7729, natausha8, Gemz993, fe4rth1s, Tickie, MissUnderStod, MidnightMoonWolf12, sportyshort15, Holli2k8, shushulina, crown7024, yuchenusa, carrotmad, H302, Courtshorty98, dakotashadow, gidgetbear47, dairyqueen15, GracefulAngel, CuteStuff1313, Canceroid, permit15300, AngelWolfSpirit, potatomunster, LiveLifeLoved, Corrode, littlemisspokadot, juicyjuicebox, maureenokert, sichengzeng, sasha1o1, SiruisSeriousBlack, Chibimaru, MegFroggy, collinz55, shorti33333, crazyangellady, LeaderTrainer, Lucy606, Mortux, pudzycoop, sugargliderbabe, abcdefghijk1020, meranda1117, momasgirl, bsms78, KittyQueenLozy, applepiegirl, skaterdude110, roxxiroxx101, MajorPandaLover, daddyscutie, Mypets11, SiruisSeriousBlack, dana213, Pandakins181, kabao123, ronneco, Zeeena, rich110604, bethaniebrown1, papawill, tan19, wycca, Whenigrowup, niniomi21, CINDYM, zkalang, Cuddlebum02, startsky, KyLera, Anniela , IluvAllAnimals1123, ezhao650, laladecocoa, hottie667, sukzie, NarutoFan46, kitties555, Gonzo02, Strats, StrawberrySarah97, Anniela, chihua, ino101, StrawberrySarah97, njones1985, blackcherryday, reginarox101, blackcherryday, mcrforlife7, ilovebubbles14, stunningsteph1996, xloned_out_loserx, go44rby, strawberrysarah97, bumblebee17, teddyismyhamster, maramariella123, nsmmeg, jjluong, chloecloggz, Monica91, princessnumber1, SourCandiii13, naruto68, xXMadamKateXx, bluestar56, Haase, kaylakarla1111,

Yeah. And what's the story about your son?
116 years & 5 months ago 27th Jul 2008 18:52
WOW! This is truely beautiful
116 years, 5 months & 6 days ago 21st Jul 2008 15:47
  1. For my Son
    13th Dec 2007 19:48
    17 years & 13 days ago
  2. For my Son
    19th Oct 2007 16:35
    17 years, 2 months & 6 days ago
    21st Jul 2007 08:20
    17 years, 5 months & 8 days ago
    6th May 2007 15:27
    17 years, 7 months & 22 days ago