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Biala Mountain
Biala being the home of Santa, Christmas is really important. Blitzen is one of Santa's reindeers and he needs your help to get enough items in time for Christmas. Viottos work for Santa too, and therefore the pet species is limited. If you can help Blitzen and complete his 30 missions he will reward you greatly. Blitzen will give you a mission every day, as long as you haven't already completed another mission in the same day. You will need to collect a certain item for him within a certain time limit. At level 1, all items asked for will be rarity 1 - upto level 30 where all items asked for will be rarity 30. He usually asks you to collect just one item, however he can ask for up to 3. If you fail to bring any of them, you will have to start again.
Completed Level of 30

Complete more Missions

Blitzen's Grotto can ask for these items on Level 1

Empty Sweetcorn Soda
Empty Musical Soda
Empty Red Soda
Empty Orange Soda
Empty Starry Brew
Empty Olive Soda
Empty Diet Musical Soda
Empty Coconut Brew
Empty Yellow Brew
Empty Diet Banana Soda
Empty Diet Sweetcorn Soda
Lilac Yakubi Plushie
Empty Brew
Beige Yakubi Plushie
Empty Diet Cola
Empty Mango Soda
Empty Radioactive Soda
Empty Lilac Soda
Empty Butterscotch Brew
Empty Teal Brew
Empty Pear Brew
Empty Papaya Soda
Empty White Brew
Empty Basil Brew
Empty Diet Radioactive Soda
Empty Orange Brew
Empty Strawberry Soda
Empty Cantaloupe Brew
Empty Diet Apple Soda
Empty Grey Soda
Ice Yakubi Plushie
Empty Diet Cheese Soda
Empty White Chocolate Brew
Empty Aqua Soda
Empty Coral Brew
Empty Peppermint Brew
Empty Diet Lightning Soda
Empty Magenta Brew
Empty Onion Brew
Empty Diet Pumpkin Soda
Empty Black Soda
Empty Olive Brew
Empty King Baspinar Brew
Empty Diet Watermelon Soda
Radioactive Yakubi Plushie
Computer Cables
Empty Black Brew
Empty Diet Grape Soda
Gold Yakubi Plushie
Teal Yakubi Plushie
Empty Cloud Brew
Empty Diet Ocean Soda
Empty Coral Soda
Empty Watermelon Soda
Empty Pickle Brew
Orange Headset
Empty Apple Soda
Empty Diet Blueberry Soda
Empty Diet Coffee Soda
Empty Spearmint Brew

If you add the Missions Giftbox to your collection, you will be able to use Blitzen's Grotto every 6 hours instead of every 12 hours - for life!

The Seasonal Fairy also rewards you for every giftbox that you collect